
Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Through all the changing scenes of life

My mother, Hannah Evangeline Susheela, completed another year in her life, by the grace of her Lord Jesus Christ. Earlier this year she was very unwell, and I then wondered whether she would be able to celebrate this day. While she was in hospital, I cried out to the Lord and pleaded with Him for her life. Graciously He granted my request. Today both Hannah and I rejoice in the Lord and celebrate His goodness in our lives.

When God Delays His Answer

What is a man supposed to do when God does not answer his prayers immediately?

Sunday, 17 February 2013

He Has Made Me Glad

For WilliamTyndale1
The Lord God has answered my prayer. Hallelujah! I was in trouble and He saved me! Yes, the Lord is good. He has made me glad.

Think Happy Thoughts

Despite the hardships in life let us believe that God is at work in us and that he will see us through the difficulties in life.

Friday, 15 February 2013

My Rage

When God himself has expressed rage in the Bible, should not Man who is made in the image of God be able to express his rage? To what extent may a man express his anger? Is there a place for anger in life, particularly in my life?

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

A Special Day Of Thanks

Samuel Godfrey George's birthday message in 2013

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord?

Shall I shout my praise to the Lord even if I don't feel like it, even if I should upset someone who is near me? Will my praise not be praise if it is spoken gently without someone hearing it?

What sort of testimony is this?

I speak of heaven and then I speak of my world. I speak of faith and then voice my doubt. I speak of joy and then express my pain. Though conflicted my tale of faith is true.

Daniel's Prayer

The great prayer of penitence by a man most esteemed in the eyes of heaven - may this prayer be a model for all who turn back to God. A reading from the Bible by Samuel Godfrey George

He's The Same Unchanging Jesus

Hannah Evangeline Susheela sings in praise of her constant Jesus.

He Is The Same Unchanging Jesus

Jesus always saves because he always cares.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Christian Without The Spirit Of Christ

There are Christians who seem to know little about Christ who came into the world to save the lost by being a friend to them. Today certain Christians seem eager to detach themselves from those who challenge their insecure Christian beliefs, which are not open to discussion and modification. They are reluctant to associate with anyone who seems to think differently. This reveals little understanding the world, which is diverse and resistant to homogeneity, and it is also not in the spirit of Christ who preferred the morally and spiritually deficient in his company.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

A Stroll In The Park

On my birthday I took a walk with two young friends in a park that I had never visited before.

Monday, 4 February 2013

My Cake

A scene from my 40th birthday celebration

I waited and waited and waited (Psalm 40 on 5 February 2012)

SGG reads a passage from the Bible that is close to his heart.

There Is No Fear In Love

To know God is to know his love. He who knows God will not be afraid of God. To be afraid of God is a sure sign of imperfectly knowing God. God is love. So to know God is to know love. And he who knows love does not know fear for there is no fear in love.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Friday, 1 February 2013

The Sayings of Samuel Godfrey George - January 2013

Whatever I do let me do it with dedication, even if it is a seemingly insignificant task.

By doubting yourself you don't become what you really are.

It is perfectly possible to corrupt what is beautiful. So approach beauty with care. No, approach beauty with God.

Those who claim that religion is the root of all evil must take a good look at the human heart. All evil proceeds from there. Everything that Man does is tainted by evil. And in that respect even religion can be evil, but not the root of evil.

I don't know how I keep on going. But God keeps me going.

Beauty. Just admire it and do not try to possess it.

Grace is where I am.

I am not celebrated by the world. And that is good news.

Now that I have chosen to work for God and spend my time exclusively on spreading his message I must believe that God will take care of my needs. I must believe that God will provide even when it appears that he hasn't provided. I must be willing to wait patiently for God's gracious gift. I must trust in God and in his promises. God does not always work in the way I expect him to. Nevertheless God works silently but surely. And God cares about my plight. This I must believe.

Can God be trusted? Why not? All that I am today if I am anything, and I am something, it is because of God. Whatever light shines in my darkness is the light of God. If I can make something out of the confusion of life it is because of what I know from God. Everything that I essentially am is dark. There is nothing good in me except the presence of God. When that is the case why should I not trust God?

Money gives comfort. Money promotes confidence. Without money it is not easy in this world to be comfortable and confident. But the man who believes in God takes little comfort and confidence from money. He knows that money cannot save his soul. Nor can it save him from death if God wants his life back. He knows that God alone can determine his eternal destiny. And so he is strengthened even at a time of financial distress.

Be like God every day.

I have listened to my heart even to the point of self-destruction.

Right deeds must proceed from right thoughts and right thoughts must proceed from right motives.

I have needs, great earthly needs. But above every need is my need of heaven and God, and the attendant need to please him by my testimony. Yes I need to testify to God's love, and that is surely my greatest need.

One thing I have finally realized. My life is not in my hands. It is in God's hands. I have left it there a long time ago. And nothing that I can do now can change that fact.

I should not despise my small beginnings, but I do every now and then. When I do that I am quickly reminded that these beginnings could have been smaller, and worse they could have never been.

It is not important that you are good looking. It is important that you have a good, caring heart. What lies within is what really matters. All the good looks that one may have will fade away quickly. There is little security for the one who derives strength only from his or her looks.

Take what is given to you and use it well. Don't look at what somebody else has. Therein lies the beginning of trouble.

Let us not sow condemnation. Let us sow appreciation.

God does everything. But for him to do everything we must cooperate. We cooperate by believing in his power to change us, and we allow him to change us by surrendering our will to him. With his help we learn to surrender our hearts and our minds. Yes God does everything, but we must let him. We must desire to change.

When you don't have something, which you previously used to have, and you miss it badly now, thank God for the time when you did have it, when he mercifully gave you what you desired. The Lord who gave then still has the power to give.

Nothing that Man creates apart from God will live forever. Man apart from God will not live forever.

The one who questions must know where to seek his answers. If he doesn't know that all his questions will come to nothing.

Whatever happens don't be afraid. Don't let your mind be ruled by fear. Speak what you want to say, do what you want to do, give without restraint, love without fear. And how you are received when you do that is not your concern at all.

I should give as much as I can today and forget all my cares. That's what matters.

When we don't get what we want let's be thankful for what we have.

Cherish what is yours even if it is little. It is still yours and it may not be little.

You cannot deny your roots even if you despise them. Therefore it is pointless to despise them.

The Bible is a message to all people with many layers of expression appealing to many levels of intelligence. There is the simple expression of truth for the simple and trusting man, and the complex expression of truth for the complex and rational man. It is one message but variously expressed.

The gloriousness of flight reminds of the glory that Man does not have. Man made in God's image is distinctly lacking in this way and in other ways as well.

Where there is fear there cannot be faith. Where there is fear there cannot be love. Without faith it is impossible to please God. And without love one cannot even know God.

The tragedy of King Solomon is that he couldn't practise his own wisdom consistently. He erred and departed from the fear of God in his own life. How then can his words have any decisive impact on the discerning man?

One can desire to depart from evil, that is all. The actual departure emerges gradually as Man and God grow in familiarity and trust.

Be willing to endure uncertainty.

Rest is best.

I speak an unpopular truth. And I speak it all the time. I choose to do nothing else. How then will I survive in this world? I often wonder. Today I received my answer. Not by my might, not by my strength, not by my spirit. But God alone, by His might, His strength and His Spirit, will sustain me.

If we want to fear there is always something to be afraid of. But we who are born of God are the children of his fearless Spirit. Let us then boldly declare that we do not have a Spirit of fear but a Spirit of power and freedom within us, and let us cast away everything that is opposed to this truth.

As long as your heart seeks God, as long as you long for God's rule in your life, you are well, though many an affliction may ravage your mind and body.

There is a part of me that likes what God hates. This is the part I need to deny daily.

Accept the will of God. It's perfect even when it goes against you.

Let me respect God enough not to seek my own way.

Faith is tested only in the presence of doubt and not in its absence.

You must break through the barriers and not just stare at them.

Courage is tested only in the presence of fear and not in its absence.

You must confront your fears and not run away from them. You may live with your weaknesses and not try to discard them.

The Bible says with finality, "God is love." The Bible does not say that "God is love and judgement and many other things." The all encompassing nature of God is love. Love is what rules God if anything rules him. The Bible also says "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." This is also a decisive statement that reveals the primary intent of God. So anyone who teaches about God should emphasize and continue to emphasize the love and mercy of God. For this is consistent with the essence of God.

You have dealt with this for years, you have wanted to discard it, you have prayed about it and still you have not been delivered from it. But take heart, your deliverance isn't exactly what you thought it was, yet it will surely come.

The great lesson that God teaches is to show a man what is in his heart.

Life with God is not about success and failure. It is about trusting in God and doing his work.

It takes a new day to arrive at a new approach.

If you want to fear there is always something to fear. If you want to be disturbed there is always something to be disturbed about.

Forgiving Is Difficult

God is difficult. Religion is difficult. Forgiveness, a divine quality is most difficult.

Religion Is Not The Root Of All Evil

Those who claim that religion is the root of all evil must take a good look at the human heart. All evil proceeds from there. Everything that Man does is tainted by evil. And in that respect even religion can be evil, but not the root of evil.

How do we worship God?

Many people go to church to worship God. Denominational differences in Christianity may involve different styles of worship. But what ...