
Monday, 15 April 2013

Positive Thoughts On A Negative Day

Even on a terrible day I can think the brightest thoughts. Thanks be to God.

No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper

For Julie Sellaro

I will still declare this despite all my problems.

Thanking God In A Time Of Trouble

Yes I am troubled, and troubled I may remain to a certain degree for the rest of my life. But that should not prevent me from giving thanks to God for all that I have received and I have received much. I will give thanks today and every day.

There's Only One Thing That I Should Know

I'm not going to waste any more time wondering who is good and who is bad. There is only one thing that I need to know: God is good. Though I may not always understand his goodness I know that God ultimately wants to benefit me. In that knowledge I will find my rest today.

The Lord's Prayer

God will have the final say in my life. No man can move me from the place that God has given me.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

I will do it one day at a time

Brought To A Difficult Place

At first I resisted the trial. Then I recognized it as my cross. Now I carry it on my shoulders gratefully.

Talking With Amjad

A talk regarding marriage and divorce and a prayer for the needy

The Importance Of Marriage

Marriage is not for those who do not want to marry. Let no person be forced into a marriage. Marriage is mainly failing all over the world because there is no spirit of understanding and compromise among those who are married. Above all there is no sense of devotion or respect for the God-ordained state of marriage. In such a situation in this sex-crazy world marriage will frequently fail.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Clinging To The Cross

I embracing my suffering in the hope that God will indeed finally reward me with his healing presence and joy, which no man can take away from me.

Please Pray For Me

I'm in serious trouble. And I need your prayers.

Who is good and who is bad?

At a time when certain people have clearly disappointed me I must consider this question and reconcile myself with what I find missing in the behaviour of these people in my life.

The Sayings of Samuel Godfrey George - March 2013

Desire the simple. Desire the essential.

Let me pay attention to what I see around me. Let me feast my eyes on the beauty that God has created. And may I receive the message of God's love from His creations.

There will be disappointments in faith. There will be prayers that will not be answered. Some prayers may seem utterly rejected. In such cases how does one go on trusting in God? A great man of faith in the Bible said, "Shall we accept good from God and not bad?" One must be prepared to accept good and bad from God trusting in God's ultimately beneficial intentions. God has a good plan for those who trust in him. And though he may not always act desirably, there is no justification for doubting his essential goodness, for no one who accepts the truth of the Bible can doubt the beneficence of God.

Shall I accept good from God and not bad? No, I shall accept both, and I shall particularly welcome the bad. In my latest trial there is a bitter disappointment that carries a most urgent message. God's love is most eloquently expressed in the trouble that he sends to discipline his children.

"Do not be desperate to know people. Be desperate to know God" is a reminder to myself and to those who value the impulse to know others and befriend them for self-gratification. To know people this way is worse than not knowing them at all. I must pursue God above every other created being and to know God must be my foremost desire in life. Yes we must love and befriend people in a selfless and giving manner, to express the pure and unconditional love that God has put in our hearts. But we should not pursue people for selfish gain.

It is difficult for me to perform without being wearied by expectations. I work with certain expectations and I do care about the way my work is received by people. My work is for the people of God, so I need to know how they react to my work. But I cannot be reliant on how people regard me and my strength cannot be derived from their good opinion.

Disciple of God, don't forget that in the worst storm there is a God beside you well in control of the situation.

Performance declines as one's job wears on. This is the great danger to excellence. When the charm of novelty wears off, when routine sets in, job performance declines.

We must always seek, highlight and celebrate what unites us. This is always more important than noticing differences and divisions.

It is all about learning to trust God. All the suffering that you go through takes you to the place of total trust in God.

There are times when I am without any spiritual motivation. These are the times when I wonder why I should go on. I also know I cannot go on any further without the stirring of God within me. Yes it is He who brings to life my inner death and fills my inner emptiness with His inspiration.

Suspicion will kill the best part of you.

The best lessons in life are expensive. They cost you your very stability.

Wear the sun on your face and walk into the depths of darkness.

Don't grow out of your need for your mother's simple affection. Don't grow out of your need to sit at her feet and gaze at her loving face beaming down at you.

Troubles have come, anxiety has stayed, but I will not forget the faithfulness of God.

If the sum of the last few years in my life is a mistake, then it is the best mistake that I have made. I have lived irresponsibly according to the world, yet responsibly according to God whom I have served and for whom I have spoken. This work for God is not really my work at all. It is he who equipped, enabled and sustained me in this difficult job of taking God to those who do not know him.

The person who says, "Forgive me, for I have done wrong" has the very Spirit of God in her. Only the person touched by God knows her faults and seeks to be forgiven.

You don't always get what you want. That is life. You must learn to deal with the refusal and the rejection. The sooner you are done with it the better you can appreciate what you do have and what has not been refused to you.

I cannot make you believe in God. But I can pray for you and I will. It is my privilege to pray for those who do not know God. It is my prayer that they know God as I do and worship him as I do.

I now realize that security and well-being are gifts of God. I cannot protect myself and ensure my own well-being. It is God alone who protects me and gives graciously to me. I will not entertain any misplaced confidence in my own ability to take care of myself today.

Some who call themselves unbelievers and atheists may actually be the people of God. Though they say "no" to God today they will one day say "yes". God will reveal Himself to them as He revealed Himself to me who once said "no" to Him. Nothing shall separate the people of God from His love.

I must do something for you today even though you may not do anything for me.

Don't be afraid. Just go out and love people. Love them with the love of Jesus Christ, accept them just as they are and let His love transform them gently and gradually. Don't worry about how they'll react. You can't do anything about that. God will take care of that. Just don't let your hearts be troubled by thoughts like that.

God will help. Step by step He will help. Let our trust in God be secure even as He helps us little by little. Let's celebrate every help that we receive from God. And let's continue to rejoice even when there is seemingly no help from God.

Where there is no help but God's help, that's the best place to be.

With God on my side why should I worry about my mistakes? He likes me just as I am, and if I am of a certain type it is He who made me that way. Why should He object to the work of His own hands?

You must keep trying till you get it. You cannot give up. You cannot let your doubts and fears win. You must believe that you can do what you've set out to do. And though there is opposition, and sometimes fierce opposition, you must go on believing in yourself and in the fire within you. Believe that your fire can quench every other fire.

I shall trust in God's wisdom today. He has made me come forth with my testimony. I have spoken. I have used my voice. And I have ministered to others. And I am grateful for that. My own personal desire has not been granted. And I am grateful for that also. It is good for the self to be denied. It is good to be humbled. It is good to be taught by an all-knowing God. He knows too well so whatever pain he causes in me is greatly needed.

My faith is alive and well no matter what my enemies do to me. The Lord has prepared a table for me before my very enemies and is anointing my head with oil. That's what's happening to me now.

I need God to get my facial muscles relaxed. I need God to set my tone right. And I need God to put his love into my heart. I just need God. I need him always and everywhere.

I'm in the business of sharing love. I'm in the business of sharing God's goodness with others. So I will share, even take the risk of sharing God with those who do not desire him. One never knows what may happen.

You can be a people lover. But you cannot be a people pleaser. You please God and God only. And you do His work as He tells you, not in a manner than suits people. That is why the work for God can be a thankless one.

It is easy to hate. It is difficult to love. Those who are in Christ are called to do the difficult thing. The day before he died, Christ issued a new command to his disciples that they should love one another as he loved them. He was calling them to love to the point of sacrificing their lives for others. This is not only difficult but also impossible to all those who operate in the natural. But with God everything, even this kind of love, is possible.

From asking God to relieve my pain and suffering I have moved on to asking God to help me learn whatever I can from my troubles.

It is most difficult to forgive one's enemies. It seems unthinkable that one should pray for those who have hurt us. But that is exactly what Jesus did on the cross as he was dying, and by doing it he was showing us by example that forgiveness is what he expects from us. We cannot forgive like God without God in us. And God will be in us only if we believe in Jesus whom he sent to us. We should not only believe in Christ's perfect sacrifice for all human sins but we must also accept his example in compassion and forgiveness. And when we do so Christ will empower us to live and to forgive like him.

I must learn to forgive like Christ. I must learn to love like Christ. I must learn to approach crisis like Christ. I must submit to the will of God like Christ. People are to be loved and prayed for, even the worst of them. Many people will disappoint me and be offended with me without proper cause. Many people will oppose and persecute me for no reason at all. It is important at that time to know who I am in God and what love and compassion and forgiveness can flow into me through Him.

Don't ever force anyone to believe in Jesus Christ. Tell those who do not know Christ the great story of his life, and what he and he alone could do for humanity. And when you tell them leave them with the vivid impression of God's immense love. And let the Spirit of God continue your work and let him be the one to work in the hearts and minds of those who hear. Finally let those who hear respond from their very being and whatever their response let it be theirs.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

The Image Of Defeat

The silent, suffering image of Jesus Christ appears to be one of defeat and surrender. The effect is reinforced as we see the onlookers mock and taunt him while he looks at them helplessly. But in that most inexplicable moment of suffering there is a mystery of victory. Christ won on the cross the greatest of all earthly victories. He defeated the ultimate foes of human beings, sin and death. In my own suffering as a Christ follower I see a possibility of a parallel. There is much to learn from the silence of Jesus Christ on his cross.

God, How Can You Remain Quiet?

The disappointment that comes when human will differs from God's will

Under A Grand Tree

Under a grand, tall tree I speak gratefully of God with reference to the new and terrible trial in my life.

Monday, 8 April 2013

The Armour Of God Explained

An invisible yet real war goes on in the spiritual world and it has its effect on our lives. Fought in our hearts and minds, this is a war that cannot be won in human strength but can be only endured in God's strength as we use his armour in our lives.

Strength From Psalm 91

Psalm 91 gave me strength and the will to trust in God at a time of great need in my life. Today I find myself in need again, and Psalm 91 is where I will return to fulfill my need.

How do we worship God?

Many people go to church to worship God. Denominational differences in Christianity may involve different styles of worship. But what ...