Sometimes you will have to do it late to do it best.
There will always be those who deny that Jesus Christ is God. And they will use the Bible to discredit his divinity. That divinity is unquestionably clear in the Bible. We have situations in the Bible, where the word "God" is made distinct in reference from Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. But this is simply on account of the inadequacy of language. God is One and in three. Consider the words in Genesis, when God says, "Let Us make man in Our image." This reveals a great mystery to me. And the word Elohim in that context, refers to a plural God.
The God of the Old Testament is also Jesus Christ. He is also the Holy Spirit. The three are One.
If Jesus is not God, who is he? Is he just another son of God, like an angel or a spiritually regenerated human? Is he simply a messenger? Is he just a prophet or a holy man, as some people say? Or is he something worse, a deceiver or a lunatic perhaps? Consider the words of John. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word Was God." Consider the words of Jesus, as he refers to himself. "He who has seen me has seen the Father." Consider Isaiah's words, "And he shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace." Consider Paul's words, "Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to." I see no reason to discredit the divinity of Jesus. And I don't discredit it myself.
Good speech is not just a skilful observance of rules, it is also a respectful awareness of the other person.
You cannot speak well, without being well-mannered.
A good learner is someone who changes his behaviour appropriately.
It is unethical to record people's conversation without letting them know in advance.
Mockers will only hear silence from God. It is when the last shred of their human foolishness is lost, that God will respond.
If you want God's help, ask for it humbly. And wait for God to respond.
As a human being, I cannot respond to everyone who knocks on my door. But may God do what I cannot.
It is not in having more that happiness lies. Happiness is being satisfied with whatever we have, and sharing it with others.
Be grateful for what God gives you today, and don't be envious of someone who has more.
God's purposes are good, even if we don't like them.
Break out of the mould. People do it time and again. Lives change. You don't have to be stuck with anything.
To journey from fear to faith, everything that supports you must be thrown away.
As I lie in bed, I address my fears. I write reminders on my smartphone and share it with others.
Do it for God, and you will be happy. Do it for yourself, and you will not be happy.
Only a man born of God can speak for God.
Know your inadequacy, and then you will know God's adequacy.
God alone will take care of you. And this you will know when everyone exits the scene.
Fear happens when you focus on what you can do. Faith happens when you focus on what God can do.
Fear is when you believe in what the world tells you. Faith is when you believe in what God tells you.
If you've done no wrong, you have no reason to fear. But, if you've done wrong, confess it to God, and he will forgive you.
Face your fears. There is no other way out of them. But face them with God, knowing that he will never leave you alone.
We are all instruments in God's hands. But only some of us are willing to be used.
You cannot see white properly without seeing black beside it. To see white in its purity, you need the knowledge of blackness.
The longing for the day overcomes the lusts of the night.
You cannot value the day without the night. The night makes the day desirable.
In my search for God, I met the devil first.
Seek God even as the devil walks beside you.
You cannot have God without the devil bothering you.
To see God, you must see the devil first.
Don't be dismayed by the devil in you. Only God can make you see the devil in you.
Man wants to be like God. But he is more like the devil. The more he desires the divine nature, the more he recognises his devilishness.
When giving hurts, it is far more meaningful and closer to the heart of God.
You truly help when you deprive yourself of something that you will surely miss.
Pray always, but whenever possible, you should do more. When you can do more, don't stop with praying.
Praying for someone is not as difficult as helping that person in a time of trouble.
Who is Jesus Christ? He is the Saviour of the world. He is the Messiah, who came to bind the oppressor and set captives free. He came to lay down his life for the sins of this world, so that people may be justified with God and spend eternity in Heaven. It is by his blood that our sins are washed away. It is by his stripes that we are healed — spirit, soul and body. In him, we are more than conquerors. Through him we can do all things. With him, we are seated in the heavenlies. But without him, we will live in darkness, and we will always be captive to sin. We will die, and rise again to an eternal life of shame, pain and separation from God. This is the essence of the Christian faith. And those who believe in it are reassured of a new life, abundant with love, joy and peace, and all the good things that God wants to give his children. They will live with Jesus Christ and like Jesus Christ even on earth.
Those who turn to Jesus Christ are the sheep who hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd, who lays down his life for his people. He was crucified on a cross for the sins of the whole world, and his blood washed away the sins of all human beings. But humans need to believe in Jesus Christ, to receive their salvation. Salvation is free, but it is not cheap. The people of God should believe in the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. They should accept the forgiveness of God that comes through this sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. And they should confess with their mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in their hearts that God raised him from the dead. When they do so, they will be the sons and daughters of God, who will live eternally with God. By faith, they travel from darkness to life, and overcome physical death to inherit everlasting life with God. Their road is narrow and difficult. Their path to God is filled with strife and pain. They do not =reach the pearly gates of Heaven, without shedding many tears on earth. But God holds them firmly in his grasp, and comforts and strengthens them in their distress. Christ himself lives with them through his Spirit, and enables them to live like him. Through his Holy Spirit, they are spiritually renewed every day, so that they become more like Christ. And with the Sprit of Christ in them, they overcome every challenge in their way. In Christ, they become new creations, dead to sin, and alive to God. They are able to overcome their sinful nature, as they daily submit to God, who reigns in them. Truly the Kingdom of God is established in their hearts. And they live like Jesus Christ even on earth.
Not all of us turn to Christ. Very few of us run to him. Even fewer find him and live with him. Many of us in this world are not aware of the terrible plight in which we find ourselves. We are not consciousness of the terribleness of sin, and its eternal consequences. Many humans believe that they are a little flawed, but they do not believe that they are terribly flawed and powerfully drawn to sin. They do not realize that they are slaves to sin. They are not aware that they are destined to go to hell, a place of eternal separation from God, if they are not justified before God. They do not recognize that they are under a divine curse that only the Son of God can lift. They do not recognize Jesus Christ as the Son of God. They do not acknowledge him as the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. They are not aware that it is in the spilling of his blood that payment for the sins of humanity is made. They do not recognize that it is Jesus Christ alone that can save them, therefore they do not seek him. And they live their earthly life without him, and they die, only to rise again in a dark world separated from him forever.
Why do we want to live like Jesus Christ, when what he did on earth, is way beyond our ability to emulate? Why are we drawn to be like someone who is not like anyone on this earth? The thoughts and ways of Jesus Christ are far removed from human experience. Yet, why do we desire the extreme difference of Jesus Christ? Perhaps we are fed up with being human. We were made in the image of God, and we desperately desire his godliness. But we are trapped helplessly in selfish living. We are under the yoke of sin. And sinfulness is a great burden to bear. That is why we turn to Christ. We run to him, because he takes our sins away, and makes us right before God. He also enables us to live a godly life through the power of his Spirit, working in us. Through him, we are reconciled to God, and restored to the original image in which we were made.
How did Jesus Christ live? What is so good about his life, that people should want to emulate it? Jesus Christ lived for God, in obedience to God, doing God's will in this world. He spoke only what he heard from God. He did not do anything, which God did not want him to do. He never transgressed God's law while he was on earth. He helped all people. He particularly cared about the socially marginalised people. He was kind and considerate, and did not turn anyone away. He healed sickness, and raised people from the dead. He performed many miracles. But, his greatest act was to lay down his life for the entire world. When we consider all that Jesus did in this world, we realize that no human being can emulate the way Jesus Christ lived. But, we still have the desire to live like Jesus.
Is it possible to live like Jesus Christ? It is not possible in human strength, but with God it is possible. Is it desirable to live like Jesus Christ? The answer may vary from person to person. As far as I am concerned, it is not a bad idea to live like Jesus Christ. In fact, it could be the best kind of life a human being can live.
Never be ashamed of what you have. Be proud of what you have. Because what you have was given to you by God. And what he has given must be displayed with joy.
Life is a great gift. Life is a privilege. Let us acknowledge how precious this gift is, before it is too late. And let us bless the Lord who gives us life. All life proceeds from him. We cannot be alive without God. Shall we bless the Lord today? Shall the living people bless their Lord today?
I bless the Lord today. I thank him for my life. I thank him for the lives of all his people. I thank him for life, the life that I see all around me. I bless him today. I thank him.
A hateful heart should learn to love. And there is only one teacher as far as love is concerned. His name is God. Those who hate should know God. Ironically, some God believers are the ones who hate the most. People who say they believe in God do such hateful acts. They destroy other people’s lives. The question that must be asked is, “Who is God? What does he want us to do?” As far as I am concerned, God is love. And God has put us on earth, so that we may live together in harmony. We should not end up killing one another. That is what is happening in the world today. And before the situation gets worse, let us who know God is love, show what love is. Let us show by example what love is, so that others may learn from us. It is our job to show the world love.
I stand in the light, but I live in a very dark world. There is much hatred in this world, hatred arising from intolerance. Some people cannot tolerate difference. They cannot live with difference. So, they try to obliterate difference. They try to destroy difference. And this results in terrorist activities.
Terrorism is intolerance. People terrorize others because they cannot stand them. They cannot stand otherness. They cannot stand difference. This darkness comes from hatred.
Let those who love humanity stand up against those who hate them. Let those who want to preserve diversity in life stand up firmly against those who want to obliterate every difference. There is strength in unity, and there is greater strength in love, when it binds diverse people. Let the heavenly strength of love stand up against the demonic power of hate. In such a conflict, love will overcome deadly obstacles. But let love go hand in hand with God. Let us say a prayer to the Maker of this world, and let us ask us him today and every day to deliver us from evil. For evil in its purest form can be brought down only by God, the ultimate preserver of order in an unfathomable universe.
Murders and killings are a part of human history right from the very beginning. Much blood has been spilt because of intolerance. Carnages are reported in holy books such as the Bible. God himself is reported as having ordered some of the worst blood baths in history. But one cannot be certain how accurate these accounts are. Jesus Christ came into the world to show us love. He came to bring forgiveness and not condemnation. This loving-kindness and unlimited forgiveness together form his significant revelation about God. And as Jesus said, he who has seen him has seen God. As a believer in Jesus Christ, I say that God is indeed light, and that there is no darkness in him at all. Whatever darkness we see in God, is human misperception, resulting from our inherent limitedness. The God I have come to know, is not on the side of those who terrorize and murder people for being different from them. He is not an advocate of lawlessness and bloody violence. He is a lover, who is waiting to save everyone, who will come to him, of his or her own accord. But if people want to turn away from God, and follow their human stirrings, they are likely to submit to the hatred that is rife, where divine love and tolerance are absent. Such hatred is from the devil, for he who spurns God is a person who is more like the devil, than he or she may realize.
There is guidance and there is misguidance. Those who are guided are people who love. Those who are misguided are people who hate. We are alive in this world to help one another make sense of a troubled life. We need the help of one another to go on, even as life throws its endless challenges at us. We cannot burden ourselves further by hating one another, just because we cannot be the same in every way. We should realize that difference is in everything, and that there is much variety in all that we find in this world. We should value difference and even desire it, for it makes life far more interesting than it would be if all of us were alike in every way. Let religion or any other consideration, not attempt to homogenize a heterogeneous world population. Such an attempt will never succeed, and if forced upon humanity will cause great distress.
You should value human life. To be able to do this, you should value your own life, and see it as a gift from God. If you don't believe in God, then see life as a gift that should be appreciated and guarded, as much as you can. It may be a gift from no one in particular, if you are an atheist, but life does not cease to be a gift because you have no theistic belief. Enjoy the gift of life and let others enjoy it as well. We are not here on earth to be identical in every respect. We humans are different and varied in our beliefs and lifestyles. Let us enjoy our differences even as we seek similarities. Let us not be dismayed by difference, and try to set it right intolerantly through deadly violence. Let us not dare to destroy other people's lives, just because they are different from us. Such actions do not stem from love. And love is what will keep us alive in this world, as long as life is possible on earth.
If you think that there is something wrong in the world today, you cannot correct it through violent actions that ensue from hateful intolerance. You should share your knowledge of life with people respectfully and sensitively, and hope that your approach to life strikes a chord with those who hear you. If people do not find your approach desirable, then you should let them live according to their own wishes, without encroaching on their freedom, and troubling them in any way.
Let us be ruled by love and tolerance, and let us promote life rather than destroy it. Those who destroy human life for the sake of religious belief, are guided by hatred and intolerance. Such qualities no longer appeal to a majority of human beings as divine in origin.
You should not take your own life, for it is a gift from God. And you should not take the lives of others as well, in the name of God. Such killings are reported in holy books, but they don't have any approval anymore either from God or from Man.
The father of the lost son in the Bible, did not tell his son how to behave. He let the young man misbehave, and when the son returned repentant for his wrongdoing, the father accepted him wholeheartedly, without a single word of censure. This person, above all, truly represents the character of God. Jesus Christ is the author of this portrait, and it must count. But God is often seen, and even portrayed in the Bible, as harsh and vindictive. And this image stays longer in the mind than the image of the forgiving father.
"This is what I've done for you" is a glorious line, if you say it once. But if you say it every day, it will become despicable.
It is important to say, "I love you", and repeat it as many times as necessary. But it is self-defeating to say, "I love you, so do what I want you to do." And when repeated, this will be counter-productive. It will turn the loved one away.
Don't try to impress people with words,
which are uncommon and long. Always choose words that convey your
meaning directly and without distortion.
A beginner needs help as much as anyone
else, and probably even more. There are levels of difficulty in life,
and the higher we go, the more difficult it gets. But there is nothing
as difficult as the beginning of a learning process. If you are a
beginner, then your initial steps will be wobbly and unsteady.
A love that constantly reminds you of what it did for you, is no love at all.
From complexity to simplicity is the progression of knowledge.
Your work in life will not be completed.When you die, you will leave something incomplete. So rest in your incompleteness today.
Those who are in the hands of God do not care about themselves.
I don't spend too much time writing anything. I let the words tumble out of me. There will always be a better expression. But I try to come up with a sincere expression as quickly as possible. I don't go after the elusive best. I stick with the spontaneous and not- so-perfectly-formed expression.
Language proficiency is power. But how do we use this power? Do we use it to denigrate others? Do we use it to point out their deficiencies and thus emphasize our superiority? Do we use language to highlight differences and widen the bridge of separation that has already given rise to a divided humanity? Should we not use language to heal wounds and bind up those who are wounded by the consciousness of their own perceived differences?
It is not learning to speak English that has made me happy. Initially it did bring happiness. But now my happiness lies in understanding others and helping them discover themselves. Everyone is uniquely gifted and can do something worthwhile in this world. If language learning helps someone do this, then it is indeed a worthwhile occupation. But let language proficiency not be an end in itself. Let the ability to speak a language lead to greater searching and sharing. Let us use language to minister to the needs of others and harness their hidden potential. Let us enable them with language to do the same for those who are still undiscovered.
Just be direct. Say what you want to say,
and nothing than that. Say it politely. Say it clearly. Don't try to
speak something for the sake of effect. The only effect that you should
have on others is an air of sincerity. There is nothing as charming as a
sincere expression, no matter how flawed it may be in other ways.
When you are in trouble help someone else. When you are in need of inspiration, inspire another person. When you need urgently to pray for yourself, urgently pray for someone else. Think about someone else today.
If you try long enough, if you persist long enough, you will succeed. You will do what you want to do. This is what discovered. I will not give up even if I fail a few times. I will not give up even if I fail many times. I will not give up. I will not give up. And I don't want you to give up today - whatever you are trying to do.
We can find something good even in someone who appears without merit if
we look deeply with sympathy. And when we find the good we must declare
it and celebrate it, so that the person may feel good and desire
improvement. We cannot help people through unfavourable criticism and
disparaging words. Such methods kill the spirit of others rather than
give life to it.
Moderation is best. In belief and practice, in thought, feeling and speech, don't move to the extremes.
Stay in the middle. Stay in the zone of not knowing enough. For incompleteness is the lot of Man. And moderation is his safest zone.
Smile today and help someone else smile. Your future is in God’s hands, and he will not fail you. So don’t lose your joy today.
Fortunate is he who can celebrate God daily.
Look away from your achievements. Look at your Maker, the giver of all abilities. He is the reason for everything you prize.
It's poverty to be labelled where God is concerned. What he feels for us, and what we feel for him overflows man-made containers.
Labels cannot contain what I feel for God.
Don't alienate anyone, by favouring someone. Receive all with the same warmth. Let no one feel less than another.
For a change to take place you must feel the hurt of your mistakes. If you are not bothered by your faults, you will not change.
The first thing in education is: be aware of the person next to you. Let your behaviour not inconvenience the other person.
It is when you are aware of your mistakes, that your are not likely to repeat them.
Some learn only from their own mistakes. And there are some who learn from the mistakes others make.
Some people are starving for love. Don't hesitate to be generous with your smile today.
Don't resist the one who tries to help you, even if he hurts you in the process.
Some pains will have to be borne. But all
things will work together for your good, if you trust in God. May God
give you the strength to endure your suffering.
Don't be too hard on yourself. We all lose
our head from time to time. That's why we need to support each other in
this thing called life. Just try to do good whenever you can.
Don't be content to be a sinner. But be prepared to be a saint. For that is how God sees you, after Jesus washed your sins away.
Don't try to deserve God. But try to receive his forgiveness without condemning yourself.
God knows who you are, and what you've done. And he still loves you. So, be at peace with yourself.
Don't approach God with guilt. Approach him with gratitude.
Don't be desperate to know people. Be desperate to know God.
Let a book not become a god. Let God not become a book.
God is in places which you may not like to visit. God is in people whom you may not like to meet.
If you can hear my words, you are already being taught by me.
I will be a teacher to those who want to be taught.
I write so that I may be understood. So I try to strip away everything that hinders understanding.
Let the weak say, "I am strong." If you confess your weakness daily, weakness is where you will stay.
The more time you spend away from the
light, the more you are to be pitied. You think you have found shelter
in darkness. But the truth is that you are afraid of coming into the
light. For you do not belong to the light.
Those who see the mixture — the god in the devil, and the devil in the god, have gone far enough.
Don't totally reject the ugly. For they have something beautiful in them. Don't totally accept the beautiful. For they have something ugly in them.
When you get close to someone, you will have show that person the other side of you, which you zealously guard from being seen by others.Closeness calls for disclosure of what you normally hide.
There is good in the bad, and there is bad in the good. Mixture is the essence of life.
When you need help, you will be ready to help anyone.
Be encouraged, for God is not heartless. Our very hearts are his creations.
Let your cry for help go to God again and again till he responds to you. But if he does not respond, as you want him to, maybe there is another response from him, which you cannot hear now. Just seek him, knowing that he is good, and that he will not disappoint the one who places trust in him.
When harmful desires diminish in power, they pave the way for inner peace.
We must learn to live peacefully, thankful for what we have, without complaining continually about what we do not have.
Every woman has a mother in her, and this she should celebrate, whether she is biologically a parent or not.
There are no care-givers in the world as lavish as mothers. May God bless all mothers today. May he increase their joy.
The love that comes after the rage is greater than the love before it. The peace that comes after the turmoil is greater than the peace before it.
What you say in rage cannot matter more than what you say when you are calm. The hasty words spoken in anger will be cancelled by the remorseful wisdom that comes when the rage is long gone.
We cannot be always calm, in the face of every challenge that life throws at us. Often, we lose our temper, and sometimes we totally lose our peace over something, which we later find inconsequential. It is when we suffer from the consequences of our great rage, we gradually detach from it. Calm arrives after much suffering. And such calm will prevail over future troubles.
Small mistakes can bring about a great fury. The sheer foolishness of some mistakes is hard to take.
Help others take care of you. Don't hinder the process by complaining. Life is difficult for all people. Even those who help you have their problems. Be sensitive to others, even as you are suffering with your own problem.
My safety lies in God. I can take all the precautions and still fall. Or I can dare the devil and still survive. With God.
Jesus is already here. He is in you. He is in me. Don't look for him in the sky.
We are all bad. Calling ourselves bad is telling only half of the truth. We are also good. If God lives in us, we are good. And that is what we should proclaim every day.
Be encouraged. You have a God who never wants you to be discouraged.
My wiring is not yet perfect. But my lights will continue to burn.
Grace is where I am.
I welcome back those who run away from me, just as God welcomes me when I run away from him.
I am troubled by me. That is why I go to God.
It is hard, but God makes it easier day by day. This is what we should believe as we submit our failures to him daily.
Keep trying hard, but before that say a prayer to God, and ask him to help you to get what you want.
We all prefer the fake look of strength to the genuine look of weakness.
We are all pretenders. Some of us are great pretenders.
The prayer that I said after my breakfast today was probably more robust than any I could have said before it. Often it is better to say a prayer while well-fed than to say one while starving.
It is not the physical posture, but the state of your heart that is crucial to the effectiveness of your prayer. A sincere prayer said sitting down or lying in bed is more effective than a insincere one said while kneeling down
A chronic excuse maker is more blame-worthy than anyone whom he or she blames.
Any human being who blames another person for a job not well done, is more to blame than the one who is blamed.
Sometimes you have to obey God even if you disagree with him.
It is never a bad idea to ask for forgiveness, if you have wronged someone. You don't have to wait for the other person to be willing to forgive you.
Good day to you friend. Make this day count. Use what you have. Don't be disheartened by what you don't have. Gladden someone. Lighten that person's burden. Show that person a way out of trouble today. Remember, your own happiness lies in making someone happy today.
God can help you with anything, provided you need his help. But his help doesn't always come the way you expect it. Most of the time, your own mind works out the answers. And your mind, like every other part of you is a gift from God.
Children of God, who have experienced many a heartbreak in this life of faith, I wish you the very best that God has in store for you. May he answer your prayers today in the way you want him to.
Don't strain too much. You cannot know everything. You need to be happy with the little that you will eventually know.
Happiness lies in accepting one's limitedness, and in being content with incompleteness of experience.
Just speak to God. Tell him what you want. And believe that he will give it to you, if it is according to his will. When you make requests to God, be willing to accept any answer from him. Submit to his plan for your life, and ask for his will to be done at al times.
Outward appearance without inner worth is a sad self-deception. It may not deceive the onlooker, but it may deceive the one who wears that look.
What's meant to be will be. Who's meant to be with you will be with you. You don't even have to try. What comes without effort is indeed what is destined.
If your interest in something doesn't last long, you can forget it. You will probably not get it, and if you do, you won't know what to do with it.
I don't know whether I believed in myself at first. I was just very attracted to something and l pursued it and I wouldn't quit until I could lay my hands on it and make it my own. Self-belief if it ever entered the picture was a late entrant. This is how I came to know what I know, and be what I am.
You don't need to know if you can do it. Part of the excitement of life is in discovering that you can do it.
We are all both learners and teachers in the lesson called life. Many times we learn, sometimes we teach.
Those who want more are always unhappy. The secret to being happy then is to be content with what you have.
Love will attain its object, if it is relentless. If the romantic pursuer will not abandon hope, there is a good chance that his love will be requited.
I leave often, but I always return, until now at least.
I have little time and much work. I do my very best to be useful, but I always fall short of my own expectations. But that's the nature of life.
Sometimes impatience does find its object. But many times, patience has a better chance to seize its object of desire.
The best communication is conveying much by saying little.
Leave no room for bitterness. Get what comes to you with gratitude. Leave what refuses to come with a blessing. Use what you have to produce even more. Do good as much as you can, without feeling remorseful for what you cannot do.
I am a student first, then a teacher. I consider myself a learner, who will not stop learning as long as I live.