
Monday 5 October 2015

Sayings of Samuel Godfrey George - September 2015, Part 1

Let us not fail to approach God today with our problems. Let us be confident of his help. Let us cast all out cares on God because he cares for us.

God, please care for your children today. We are calling out to you, asking for your help. Will you not help us? Will you not care for us? The Bible says that we should cast all our cares on you, because you care for us. That is what we are doing today. Please respond to us favourably. Please care for us today. Let those who turn to you today not be disappointed.

Give a little bit of love and you will get a lot of it back.

If God gave it to you he will help you keep it. Just trust him to do it. Don't panic if he is late.

Don't worry about it. It's not going to go away if you worry. God is there for you. Count on him. It won't be a waste of time. God won't disappoint the one who counts on him.

Attend to the one who knocks on your door. Stop thinking about those who will not even bother to come near your door.

Let tomorrow rest with God. Let your worries about tomorrow cease today. Look around and appreciate what is still there. And then decide to be happy about it.

Let me like the one who seems to go against me. Let me particularly like that one. If possible let me appreciate that person.

It's fear that makes us do the most foolish things in the name of faith. There is no fear in love. And when you know God's love, there is nothing to fear.

God's timing and our timing do not always agree. Often God appears late. God has his reasons, and works according to his plan. And though he takes time, he achieves what he wants in the most complete manner. This is why Solomon said, "He makes all things beautiful in his time."

Nothing is more valuable than knowing God and being with him. Not even the people in life that we value the most, such as parents, siblings, spouses and friends, and even our very lives, matter less than our being with God. To be with God we must love him more than anything else in the world.

Let me seek God today. Let me ask him to do his will in my life. Let God's plan be my life. Let his desires be mine. Let his joy be mine. Let me love like God and give without restraint expecting nothing but the joy of giving. Let me rejoice in all that God has done in this universe and in this world. Let me proclaim him as King in every place, especially in my own heart. Let this come to pass now.

Live your life no matter how unattractive it is. Don't try to live someone else's life no matter how attractive it is.

Is it hard to forget your past mistakes? It's because you haven't forgiven yourself. God's forgiveness is of no use to you if you won't forgive yourself.

Say to yourself, "If God can forgive me, I can forgive myself. I'm only human. I'll always make mistakes as long as I live. And every time I make a mistake I'll ask God to forgive me, and I'll accept his forgiveness. I'll also forgive myself, and move on in life."

Whatever you have done, God is ready to forgive. Just go to him, and confess your sins, if you haven't done that already. Then accept his forgiveness, and believe that you are forgiven.

You MUST LIVE and enjoy the life God has prepared for you. God loves you. And that's all that matters.

We all have Satan in us. But it's time to kick him out. And the only one who can do this is Jesus Christ. Let him in and he'll take care of Satan.

People will always disappoint you because you always expect them to be what they cannot be. Just learn to love them as you love yourself. You are not perfect, still you love yourself. Love others in the same way.

Love people. Love everything about people. Don't discriminate between the good and the bad. Love as God loves. And God loves both the good and the bad.

Celebrate people today. Celebrate those in your life. Delight in their presence. Appreciate everything that they do. Honour them as children of God. And love them as you would love yourself. Life is short. It can end any time. But before it ends celebrate the people in your life. And give thanks to God for them.

What about today? What about this moment? Don't let it slip away because you are troubled about tomorrow. Submit your fear of tomorrow to God. Submit all your tomorrows to God, and let them rest there in his capable hands. Trust in him to do good in your life. Believe that he wants the best for you always. And what he wants from you now is to rest without worry, and enjoy this moment in your life. It will not come again.

Worry is the enemy of faith. When we worry we reveal our lack of faith. God puts us in situations that demand our trust. In such situations we can choose to worry and despair. But if we choose to worry we should ask ourselves the question: what does worry achieve for us? Does it save us, or make the situation more tolerable? We will find out that worry achieves nothing. It does not improve our situation. It makes it even worse, for we feel miserable about our plight. When this happens, we will not look to God. We will look away from him to something else, which can never save us.

Worry is a waste of time and God-given energy. If we fail to enjoy life today because we are worried about what might happen tomorrow, then we waste a precious opportunity to glorify God and do good in this life. We also show God that we don't trust him to take care of us tomorrow.

If you trust in God, don't worry about tomorrow. Let tomorrow rest securely in his hands. Focus on today, and what you can do right now. This very moment you can give thanks to God by enjoying your life, and helping others enjoy their lives as well. Will you smile today in joy? Will you be grateful for life today?

When I am focused on tomorrow I fail to enjoy today. Let tomorrow rest with God. Today enjoy every good thing that you can find in life.

Enjoy this day as it comes. Be happy about what you have, and don't be bothered by what you don't have. Be happy to be where you are. For God is near you, and he will keep walking with you.

When you know you are with God, learn to look away from what oppresses you, and try to smile. Ask God to fill you with hope and joy. And then your smile will appear.

Don't make promises that you can't keep. You can never stop doing wrong until God gives your the grace to stop. Wait until then.

We will always make mistakes as long as we are human. So it is wise on our part to tolerate our mistakes and learn from them whenever possible.

God already knows you and he loves you. You can do nothing to change that. What you should do is to accept his love and be happy about it. And then you should share your thoughts and feelings with him. And a relationship with God will begin.

Anything that leads you to God is a blessing.

Spell out even painfully your expectations. Declare them as truth even if they should look utterly improbable. As light came to dispel a huge darkness your hope will eventually dismantle the barriers that seem impregnable.

A smile is the best ornament that you can wear.

I wish that my road was smooth. But it is not smooth. I wish that my head was clean. But it is not clean. I wish that my heart was pure. But it is not pure. But I have to deal with the conflict that I feel in all these places. For that is the nature of my calling.

The work of Jesus Christ on the cross is finished as far as his involvement is concerned. But there is more that needs to be done. Human beings are not saved by not involving themselves in the act of salvation. They must involve themselves. And the involvement starts with belief. And when we believe, God works in us, God comes and lives in us and transforms us into the people that he wants us to be.

One cannot stop with saying that the Bible is simply a message from God that says, “I love you”. The message is both a reassurance and a warning. Human beings are reassured that God saved them. God saved them by dying on the cross. That’s the reassurance. And then there is a warning. You may call it a warning because there is a response expected of human beings. And this is that response. Humans need to believe in what God did on the cross. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came down to earth and died for all human beings. What he did is something that we must believe in. We must believe in his sacrificial act. And we must believe that it is enough. It is enough to cancel all our sins. And when we do so the Holy Spirit comes and lives in us. He give us a new spiritual life. We become children of God. And we live the life that children of God live. We are empowered to live that life.

Cast away your little-mindedness and put on the love that accepts all people, especially those whom you naturally dislike and distrust. In this alone are strength and salvation. And this is the love of Christ.

Do you like to be mastered or do you like to be the master? It is a personal choice. Those who chose to be the master of their lives should take care not to allow anyone or anything to take control of their lives. Those who like to be in control should ensure that nothing in their lives is so strong that it is beyond resistance. Everything must be brought under one's control. And every desire must be constantly reviewed and checked for its amenability to control. Such a task makes great demands, and may not be within the capability of many human beings. But with the exercise of the intellect and the awareness of the dangers some desires pose to the stability of the individual, a certain degree of mastery can be achieved in life. For this a thorough study of the heart is necessary. Every desire must be completely revealed in its nakedness and analysed to the point of finding out its bare essentials. Thus every desire can be tamed into the state of being controllable. For when we see clearly what really draws us, it loses its original appeal.

There are certain things we will resist. And there are other things we won't resist. There are certain things we won't allow. And there are other things we will allow. There are certain acts that we won't do publicly. And there are other acts that we will do privately. A life is a series of decisions. When we decide we consider what is best for us. We decide on what will bring us joy without invoking the displeasure of others. We live in constant awareness of what others think about us. And yet we want to live the way we secretly want to without being unfavourably noticed. This is a hard act in life. And those who do it well are most skilled. Yet it takes time to arrive at this skill. It takes a lot of consideration as well. But those who live life skilfully must also bear this in mind. Are they truly living their lives, or are their secret passions guiding their lives? Who is in charge eventually? This is what matters.

To be scared of getting lost when you are with God shows that you do not trust God to keep you protected. If a child feels that way about his parent it will be unusual behaviour, as most children feel secure when their parents are with them.

There are people who pray for things. I too have prayed for things. But these days I have learned to ask God for the desire to know him. I need to be attracted to God all the time. All love springs from an original attraction. And this is what I need to feel every day. And as long as the attraction is there, my heart will follow God. And when I follow him every good thing will follow me.

As a boy I was seized by a sudden desire to see Jesus Christ after I saw him as a raging train of fire in my dream. All that morning I repeated frenziedly, "I want to see Jesus. I want to see him now." This was followed by many years in the wilderness, and the desire to see Jesus was not even in my memory. But now in the last eight years of my work, that desire has surfaced again, and is moving me every day to do what I am doing. And I believe I am doing this just to see God, as I wanted to very early in life.

I said to God. "It is you that I wish to see. I don't want to see ghosts and demons. Seeing them may confirm the existence of the spiritual world. But seeing you is what will make me whole. So please let nothing appear before me except you."

Look for God. Don't look for Mars or Jupiter or any other celestial body with the longing that you should reserve only for God. The creations are beautiful. But let them not distract you from the Creator. It is he that you should long to see and experience.

Don't give place for any hard feelings. Let one thing alone guide you. Let it be love.

It is better to be honestly weak than dishonestly strong. When a man confesses his weakness he openly acknowledges his need of God.

You'll never wander very far when God is near you.

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