
Wednesday 9 May 2012

The Sayings of Samuel Godfrey George - The Tweets

May I walk beside you? The journey is long, and my mind will soon wander away. Let's walk together now before everything fades away.

Can a man have wisdom and still be happy? Can a man know his Creator and still hold on to the created?

As one increases in understanding, the certainties become uncertainties and the uncertainties become certainties.

What seems hopeless may still yield hope, what seems meaningless may still offer meaning and what seems inevitable may still be prevented.

Meaning may arrive from meaninglessness, joy may issue from pain and knowledge may result from foolishness.

There is sanity after madness, hope after despair and life after death.

After the dark of the night comes the light of the day. But the joy of the light cannot precede the misery of darkness.

Being considered weird by those who are not equipped to accept difference is not as unfortunate as being adversely affected by that opinion.

I am found doing the unpromising thing in an unpromising way. What I do is indeed highly privileged.

If I don't fit in and if I seem too strange, I shall not regret the effect. The disciple of the rejected must also be rejected.

Shall we speak or forever hold our peace?

Great disasters may come. But what do you fear the most - the death of your body or the death of your soul?

Will you know me or be deprived of the knowledge of me?

It shall happen all of a sudden. What you waited for and desired with all your heart shall come to pass. But will you welcome it then?

Do I like what I like? Do I love what I love? Do I not dislike what I like? Do I not hate what I love?

Few and hazy are the glimpses that I have had of my Lord. Still His immeasurable beauty and limitless wisdom have not been hidden from me.

The Lord beautifies everything, even my despair.

Blessed is the quiet of the man who has spurned every thought except the thought of his Lord.

If you feel the pain of my joy and the joy of my pain, you will have heard my voice.

You shall speak of the world. But I shall speak of the Word.

As the teacher administers a difficult test to his exceptional student, the Lord refines His chosen through severe trials.

Who has mastered your heart? What compels your attention?

Wherever I go, the One who goes with me will be plainly seen.

You will find the black in my white, and the white in my black.

Has the beast in Man found full expression?

The Lord has marked the cracks from which hellfire will burst. He has already commissioned the stars that will fall upon the earth.

I will rejoice in the work that I have accomplished. My joy is a tribute to God who has achieved the work in me. No one can steal that joy.

You may come and go, but He remains with me.

Not every wrong can be made right. Not every mistake can be corrected.

To study human nature you must study your own nature and then the nature of others.

This is the humbling, the mellowing, the discharging and the releasing of the one who will be the Voice.

Should I be alarmed by the dead that stirs within me? Let the dead be concerned with the dead.

Do you perceive all? Do you understand everything? If you do not, hold your peace.

I stand before you. Do you see me?

To be chosen is to be rejected. To be blessed is to be cursed.

The fools look outward. The wise look inward.

Have I spoken enough? Or have I not spoken at all?

Extraordinary pain calls for extraordinary stillness.

Agonised and desperate I call out to everyone except the One who shall save me.

I have walked without being seen. I have spoken without being heard.

What is the purpose of these agonised cries? Who is the afflicted, the sufferer or the observer?

How can the dead appear alive? How can the alive appear dead?

Am I doomed to know the truth and not exercise it?

No matter how much you cling to it or caress it, it is simply not precious.

May I trouble you? May I speak the unpleasant truth?

Filth serves its purpose when it creates the desire for purity.

Am I so blessed that I cannot connect with you?

Have I not spoken? Or have you not heard?

I may have a glimpse of the inside. But I cannot see the outside.

He who blinds is also the one who opens your eyes.

Shall I rise from the dead or live among the dead?

In simple things I must find pleasure. Complicated joys have turned bitter.

After the blackness, I shall dare to claim the blessing of the Lord.

Do I violate the sanctum of allowable truth and diluted reality?

Why does one prefer the diseased unreality to the diseased reality? The knowledge of the real disease is better than that of the unreal one.

Disease comes in the guise of health. And health comes in the guise of disease.

Why does one look everywhere but upward? Why does one summon every visible one and not the invisible One?

What is the purpose of God if one cannot trust Him? What is the strength of the faith that does not withstand the test?

Can one believe when there is no reason to believe? Can one trust God when God does not appear to be a friend?

Will the silence last forever? Will the connection never be made? Will the rejection be complete?

Who hears my voice and does not respond? Who realizes my truth and does not acknowledge? Who has seen me and walked away?

In destruction my construction will take place. In despair my faith will shine. In death my life shall manifest itself.

Can the fire be flung without consequences? Can the truth be told without the response?

The Voice will now be heard. All barriers have been removed from his path.

I'm desperate to believe in the fear that I will not believe.

Does it matter who follows me? Whom I follow matters.

How silent my street is! How deserted my garden is! How abandoned my banquet is!

The Lord is good. He is particularly good when I have been particularly bad.

Flee from the tumult of earthly applause. Seek the gentle whisper of God. Seek his gentle disapproval. Desire his silent approval.

Let the applause of the entire world be drowned by the faintest sound of approval from the lips of my God.

Worry is not for me. Confidence is my shield. The Lord is in charge, though the devil may dance. I shall trust and rest.

He's there. I know He's there. He's got me in His control, strangling this worldly life out of me in ruthless silence.

When all things have ceased to be palatable, I have discovered that the Word of God will not disappoint.

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