
Wednesday 5 August 2015

Sayings of Samuel Godfrey George - July 2015 Part 2

Let's see the miracle in a little thing.

Faith is confidence in God. It is calm and restful. Where there is no calm and rest there cannot be faith.

To Him who answered a child's prayer for a unique voice and the skill to speak an alien language, Who walked invisibly beside a young man and watched him enjoy his rebellious life, Who made Himself known to the adult man and reminded him of a child's promise screamed out at a fiery presence in a dream that refused to die, Who broke the uncompromising shell and drew out the work that defied discovery, Who whispered the inspiration and waited for the madness to drive the fledgling voice, Who stayed silent and exuded unworldly strength in times of dreadful distress, Who kept wayward feet homeward bound and a kingless heart yearning to be ruled, I say, "Be My God."

Pray for someone. Let someone pray for you. We may not go on today without someone's prayers.

It's not in my prayer that I place my confidence. It's in God's response to any prayer that I place my confidence.

To believe in God is to believe in what seems unreal and to disbelieve in what seems real.

Anyone can speak words of faith. But only a few can believe these words in a hopeless situation.

To tell someone about Jesus is not as effective as to show someone Jesus. And the only way one shows Jesus to someone is by showing unconditional love to that person and by accepting that person without reservation.

You can't force yourself to love God. But you can feel happy for your life, especially for all that is good in it. This is how you thank God without even thinking about him.

Should prayer be formulaic or natural? Though the Lord's Prayer serves as a template for many who pray, I have found a more spontaneous, impulsive prayer more sincere in its expression.

It is not in our achievements or in our ability to persuade God that we must place our hope today. It is in God's unchanging nature, his great faithfulness and compassion that we must place our hope today.

We need someone to save us. That someone can only be God.

Jesus Christ would not have asked us to carry a cross if we were not able to do so. He who called us to carry a cross will enable us to carry it until the very end.

If you are terrified of God you may never experience his love.

Be bold. You are not going to triumph over any foe by being scared.

God, let me see the beauty that you have made with fresh eyes. May I look upon it every day as though I were seeing it for the first time. Let me see it deeply, and relish it thoroughly. Let there be no fear in my admiration. Let the terror of what might happen leave me, and let me be surrounded by the joy and assurance of your love.

The proper response to forgiveness is repentance. And the only way to repent is to seek God above everything else.

The proper reaction to anything is "Thank you Lord." Let the first words on my lips every day be "Thank you Lord." Let the last words on lips every day be "Thank you Lord."

It is better to speak the truth which no one applauds than speak the untruth that people wildly applaud.

God is love. But what are we?

We don't have to be perfect to receive a gift from God. God gave us the great gift of life when we were not perfect. God gave us the greatest gift of salvation when we were nowhere near perfect. So let us not try to be good to earn a gift from God. We cannot earn God's gift.

Pray for those who promise to help you and then disappear.

Bear this in mind. God does not evaluate us by what we possess or even by who we are. We are all sinners. And we are all poor. No one is rich in God's eyes. Naked we entered this world and naked we will leave. There is nothing to boast of as far as human accomplishments are concerned. We are mere ants doing the things that ants do, believing that we are something greater than ants. This is the tragedy of human thinking.

"Love God and do whatever you want" said Saint Augustine. It is the love for God that is primary. God looks at the heart of Man and searches for love. The love for God is more important than any doctrine or prayer that may be said to God in a certain way. Quotations from the scriptures and declarations of faith are secondary. Even a keeping of God's commands is secondary to the love a human feels for God. This alone is God's primary requirement. And the love of God is expressed in the love for human beings. Any God lover must also love humans the way they are without trying to change them according to how he or she would like them to be.

Let's love our children and not try to correct them, though it is most tempting to do so. Ultimately they will understand only our love. If only we would show by example what we want our children to learn! It is not easy. We must seek God's help.

Let us be constant in our gaze towards God. No matter what we have suffered and will suffer it is in His promise and faithfulness that we will place our ultimate trust. We trust in God because He will not fail us. He is not like any human being. He will not lie to us. He is also perfectly able to fulfil His promise and perform His word.

What a long struggle this has been! But there is always hope because there is always God. He will not abandon the one who runs to him. O let's run to him today!

God has not forsaken me. There have been difficulties in my life. There have been many difficulties and God has been there for me. God was there for me every time there was a difficulty. Even if I didn’t see any miracle happen, God was there. He helped me every time. And though my problems haven’t disappeared, and they still remain, I have the knowledge that God helped me. God helped me in the past. And that means only one thing to me. God will help me now. And God will help me in the future. Let me hang on to that hope.

“What’s the use of worrying? Can you add a hair to your head by worrying?” This is what Jesus Christ said to those who worry. Jesus told his disciples not to worry. He commanded his disciples not to worry. “Don’t be afraid. Just believe”, he said on one occasion. A statement so simple yet so powerful is one that I need to remember today. It’s a statement that many people will need to remember today, as they wait for the Lord Jesus Christ to do something in their lives, as they wait on God to solve their problems. Let us not be afraid today. Let us believe. Let us believe that our God is good, that he will save us just as he promised us, that he will be there for us, that he will not forsake us.

I have doubts too. But my faith is greater than my doubts. Let this be the case with all believers in Jesus Christ.

Sometimes the value of a gift is known only when it is lost.

There was a time when I believed that I was a self-made man. There was a time when I believed I was self-directed. Today I understand that there is no such thing as self-direction in my life. If I am where I am today it is because someone has externally directed me. Someone continues to externally direct me. And I believe that this person is God. I have not seen him. I have not heard his voice. I have not seen his physical presence in my life. I have heard of him. I have read about him. I imagine him in my life. Very rarely I feel him.

I wanted to do something that is noticed by the whole world. God led me to do something that no one notices. Actually a few people do notice, but the work that I do seems hopeless many times.

What is Christmas without Christ? What is Christ without God? And what is God without love?

We will not be drawn to God if He has no love.

Why should I get people to like me when God can do that for me in the most appropriate manner?

The entry of a rat may bring about the entry of a cat.

Those who want to see God will see God.

I am not getting out of this without a fight. I will fight till I am everything that God wants me to be.

Hold on to nothing except God.

The act of giving is good because it is something that Christ commanded us to do. We must give. We give not because we expect to receive. We give because we have already received. I want to share this with you so that you may also consider giving if you haven’t done that already. The Bible says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Shall we give today?

Can you appreciate a little thing? That is the test of your greatness.

May God's will be done in your life. May peace and strength flood your heart today. Be well. God is with you.

Blessed is he who knows the pettiness of his anger.

Trouble is good. It brings a man down to a place of reality. There are times when a man can fool himself into thinking that he is secure, that he is even good and maybe great and probably invincible. A man is no such thing. A man cannot be good. A man cannot be great. A man cannot be invincible. Trouble makes a man realize this.

Every day is a blessing. Every moment is a blessing. Every breath is a blessing. Every day of health is a blessing. Every friend we’ve made, every relationship in our lives is a blessing. Every opportunity to speak about God's love, every opportunity to share God's message is a blessing.

Jesus is King. He is the King of your life. Submit to Him entirely. Surrender all your fears to Him. Cast all your cares on Him today. And trust in Him to work out the solution to your unending problem.

The only approval you are likely to get in the world is from other human beings. So learn to live with human approval and not because of it. Live as though all human praise, fleetingly satisfying as it is, ultimately means nothing and counts as nothing.

Know yourself. But don't be troubled by yourself. God loves the mess that you are.

I have wrestled with powerful desires. As in physical wrestling I have fallen many times and have been overpowered many times. I have even been laid flat on my back many times. But the wrestling match in my life has not ended. And it is nowhere near ending. Something keeps it going. I'm still wrestling. Today I wonder: why have my powerful, worldly desires not overpowered me completely? If they have overcome me why will I still be wrestling with them? No, they have not overcome me. Because there is another desire in me, equally great and perhaps greater, and not from this world, but from another. This is a desire to be where God is. It is because of this desire that the wrestling bout still goes on.

Do not be ruled by what people say about you and think about you. Remember that God loves you no matter what you are and what you do and focus on what he says about you.

The venom of a fellow-believer is worse than the sting of an unbeliever.

Someone is not well. I heard the news and I was filled with sadness. Though this is not a person who is close to me I cannot feel anything but sadness. The nature of the sickness is grave. And the situation offers little hope. As I sat in my room, reflecting on this piece of news, I asked myself the question, “What would I have done if this had happened to my mother?” My answer was, “I would have prayed. I would have prayed desperately. I would have cried out to God most urgently to heal my mother.” And then I said to myself, “I need to do the same for this man. I should pray for him as I would pray for my mother.”

God does not want to condemn you. God wants to accept you. So get that condemnation complex out of your system. And dare to believe in a forgiving God.

All that we have today as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ is the grace of our God. And that is enough. Let us believe that. Let us declare that. And let us continue to declare that despite how we feel.

Let me not strive today. Let me rest. And let me wait.

I started as a child of a Hindu. I started as a God-hater who made fun of God (the God of the Bible), who mocked God and who mocked everyone who believed in God, and now I have turned into someone who loves God and speaks for Him.

"Thank you Lord" is the best thing to say when you are happy. "I believe that you are in charge of my life. I thank you for the good times" is the best thing to say when you are sad.

Thank you Lord. Thank you for what I know that you have done. Thank you for what I do not know that you have done.

This is the season for me to be thankful. So I consciously discard every negative thought and worry today and focus on the good that still remains in my life

In weakness I cry out to God: "Let not weak desires rule me today. Let your strength empower me to do your things, to speak your words, to think your thoughts." Sometimes I despair of being weak always. But I also know that along with my weakness there is a powerful desire to meet and know God. Is this weakness therefore what keeps me unceasingly seeking God? I don't know that. But I know this. When I am weak, it is then that I am strong.

Our lights may be fading, but we still have life in us to tell someone else what and Who makes us purposefully alive. As those who have been given a purpose in life let us desire that others may also live so purposefully.

Who can guide us home except the one who calls us home? In our search for Him, in our attempt to go home, we get lost and distracted and confused. It is at that time we need to believe in Him. We need to pray that He would guide us home.

People are not easy to love. If we were called by God to love only those people who are easy to love, then such a task is not worthy. But the Lord Jesus Christ, when He called us to love one another as He loved us, knew well that He was asking us to do something difficult and even impossible in human strength. Yet He desired that, for we ourselves are loved by God when we have nothing to merit that love. We must love others as God loves us.

Be grateful even for a little thing. Just be grateful always.

It feels good to be approved and loved by people. But when such approval and love do not come hearts can be broken and aims can appear defeated. It is especially then that we should consider this fact: we are here because God loves us and approves of us. God's love and approval should outrank every other thing. And when we have this love and approval, we don't need anything else. It is best to be aware of this fact always.

Let me not act in fear. Let me act in faith. Let me believe that there is a God whose grace is sufficient for me every day. Let me believe that there is a Christ whose suffering on the cross erases all my sins and whose blood shed for me washes all my guilt away. Let me rejoice in being justified in God's sight by the work of Jesus Christ. And let me give thanks.

Let me not rejoice in being noticed by humans. Let me rejoice in being noticed by God.

Now I see that I am a work of God. Now I see how He has slowly but surely changed my heart. I thought that it could never happen. But it is happening now.

When I was not even a Christian, someone said I was one. When I said that I despised all Christians he said that I was a true Christian. This made me think. This led me to where I am now.

Say, "I will not be afraid" to your fears today. If God is with you no one and nothing can be against you. Just listen to God's voice speaking to your heart. Hand over your fears to Him and rest in the knowledge that God will never leave you. Just rest and let Him stir within you.

Speak only as you are led to speak. Speak only what you are led to speak.

Recognize your foolishness. It will be the beginning of your humility.

Rejection is hard. But don't reject the one who has rejected you.

When a person chooses to be happy in life and is grateful to God for what he is and has, he is worshipping God in the most wonderful way.

Those who put faith in God should put faith in nothing else.

Don't judge. Just pray. Have pity on those whom you want to judge and pray for them.

Cling to God alone in your pain. Cry out to God alone for your relief. Hope in God alone for your health and salvation. Pray to God alone and believe that you have already received what you are desperately praying for. And God will not reject your pleas.

Bloom like a flower for even those who do not appreciate you.

Every day is a time to love. Every moment holds the opportunity for us to show love. As Christians we are commanded by Christ to love one another as He loved us. This we must do every day.

It is insecurity that makes one selfish. If one finds security in God one can learn to look beyond oneself.

Maybe I am going through this suffering so that I can be a comfort to those who are also going through this.

Are you willing to love the one who hurts you? This could reveal whether Jesus is in you.

A gracious God requires gracious followers.

It is God who helps. It is always God who helps. People are only agents that God uses. But God is the helper.

Let me eagerly await the fulfilment of God's plan for my life. Let me joyfully hope for every good thing that God is about to do in my life.

Jesus Christ saw the specialness of children and welcomed them.The kingdom of God belongs to those who are like children. But many of our children are not well. Some are even endangered. We need to pray for them.

A man who turns to people for their approval will not dare to speak against them. Such a man cannot speak for God.

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