
Wednesday 2 September 2015

Sayings of Samuel Godfrey George - August 2015, Part 1

One can convey one’s love for God in many ways. There are many ways of serving God and even those who are working in offices and organisations are serving God. But this is not the kind of service that I have chosen. I have chosen to speak to the world on the Internet about God. And I know that many Internet users are young people, who need to hear about God. They should hear what I have to say about God. I have something to say. I have a message to convey. And this must be conveyed. God accepted my choice and granted my request.

Even after several trials during seven years of work, which probably has not received the kind of attention that I wanted it to receive, I still want to be with God. I don’t want to desert him. I’m a man with qualifications and abilities. And I can do something else with my time. I can work for an organisation. I can work in the world and do well in life. I needn’t struggle in life. Yet I have chosen to remain with God. I have chosen to be here. I have chosen to sit before a computer and convey my love for God.

 Seven years ago God put in my heart something, which gradually became clear to me. After developing in my faith, I am confident today that there is something that I need to do for God. God is important to me. God is my favourite subject to speak and write about. God is what I think about most of the time, if not all of the time. I feel a certain unity with God. This is why I call my laptop, GodInSam, to symbolize the unity that I feel with God at this moment in my life.

When we cannot see beyond the physical beauty of human beings we limit ourselves considerably, For the greatest beauty the human possesses can be found only beneath the skin in the deepest recesses of the heart and the mind. The pursuit of beauty is completed only in an inward look into those places that reside beyond the physical realm.

The beauty of a human being goes beyond physical appearance to the way he or she is designed to think and act. Humans discover their true beauty only when they discover the One who made them. It is when they see him they see what they truly are on account of him.

We are all beautiful because we are made by God. We discover our beauty only when we discover that God is our Father.

Life is difficult. And you cannot live it alone. May you find a good friend to protect you in this perilous journey called life. May you find human love. Above all may you find divine love. May you find God.

I will rejoice in the work that I have accomplished. My joy is a tribute to God who has achieved the work in me. No one can steal that joy.

When I think of my past and what I did once it is not easy for me to see the person that I have become. Yet I must shout the truth from the rooftop: I am a new person in Christ. And I have the mind of Christ!

This is the greatest thing that I have done in my life - this service to God. Thank you Lord for letting me do it.

Some of us do good expecting to be thanked for our good acts. When our expectations are dashed to pieces, we are disenchanted with the notion of doing good. But let us consider this today. Does God do good like this? Does he not do good to all people without any expectation at all?

Lord, I pray for your children. Be our King O Lord. Let your will be done in our lives. Please reign on earth as you reign in heaven. Be kind to your children today O Lord. Supply our needs. Our first need is You. We need your Holy Spirit. We need your love, joy and peace. Grant us our everyday needs. And give us your precious health. I pray for those who are specially needy and for those who are extremely sick. I pray for all who call out to you. May you hear the cries of your people.

God, I am weighed down by this trial. And your silent response to my prayer troubles me. My life is riddled with difficulties. I have conducted a long labour unwaveringly. For many years I was frustrated by the absence of obvious gains. But now after many years, the work appears to be getting results. Still I am not sure. Is this the fruit that I was meant to bear? My doubts are aimed at the root of my plant. So come to my rescue today. Set me right. Steady my mind. Strengthen my heart. And show me how to live this life the way you want me to live it.

Today let us pray for an addict who cannot say no to the thing that entices him. Let us pray for a man who was given a gift but is not able to share it. Let us pray for a man who is on the road to ruin because he cannot see a way out. Let us pray for those in his family whose lives are severely damaged by his violent ways. Let us entreat God to save them even now. Let us pray that they may see Jesus and walk into his welcoming arms. And when they do let them find last resting rest in his secure embrace.

Friend, may God be with you today. May he protect you from all evil. May he grant you his desires and enable you to live life to the full. May you be happy today and may people know the reason for your happiness.

O God, let your example of love shine before us and show us the way to your dwelling place. Let us resolve to love one another just as you loved us. Let us forgive one another just as you forgave your killers on the cross. Let us not fight worthless battles seeking our own way. Let us not speak bitter, hateful words that can only destroy and kindle the worst in others. Teach us how to overcome evil with good. O God, please fight our battles for us. Let us learn to rest in you.

God does not plan accidents. Accidents happen when human beings are involved. Whatever the accident may be, I believe that God gathers those who belong to him. He remains faithful to us, even when we meet with accidents and die before our time.

By doubting what God is doing in you you don't become what you were meant to be. So trust in God today, And believe that he is doing in you a good work, which he will make beautiful in his time.

Say this: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. For thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. I will not die, but live and declare the work of the Lord. Young men may faint and fall, but I who hope in the Lord will renew my strength. I will run and not be weary. I will walk and not be faint. I cried out to the Lord my God, and he healed me. Because I love God he will heal me. He will rescue me and protect me. I will call on him and he will answer me. He will be with me in my trouble. He will deliver me and honour me. With LONG LIFE will he satisfy me and show me his salvation. In Jesus name, I am healed by his stripes! Amen. Amen. Amen!"

The human being is the most compelling evidence for God. We stand apart from the entire animal kingdom in our ability to reason. In the very act of our questioning God's existence we prove that we are unlike other living forms, and that we are unique in this ability to question and verify every concept. Thus we prove the biblical assertion that we are the crown of God's creations and made in the image of God. Like God we seek what is true and even question truth in the process of knowing what is true.

I need Jesus. I need Jesus to come into my heart. It's not easy when Jesus is not around. It's not easy when I cannot feel Jesus in me. I want Jesus to fill me with his love and peace. I want to feel Jesus in me. So I invite him into my heart.

God created you to be a blessing. So be a blessing to others. Use the gift that God gave you. Only you can do what God wants you to do. So learn to do that. And bring joy to those you meet in this journey called life.

Do what you are enabled to do today. Do what benefits others. When you benefit others you benefit yourself. There is no greater joy than knowing that you matter and what you do matters.

Instead of worrying about what might happen, focus on what is happening right now. And learn to be happy with what you have. And seek God who is here and now. God is near you waiting to help you. Seek his help. More than that receive his joy. And live in peace with all who are around you. This is all that you need to do today.

In life you will probably never have everything you want. When such is the case it is wise to look away from what you don't have and consider what you do have, and be satisfied with it.

If it's too much to handle, don't handle it. Just cast your hell on God and forget about it. Go out and do something else. When I had terrible stress attacks in 2010, which I believe were demonic in nature, I would go out every day and walk in a park. I went to many parks. And on many occasions I felt that I would collapse in the park. But I never once collapsed. Psalm 91 was constantly on my lips. "Because he loves me, I will rescue him. I will protect him for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation." I had a friend in America, who prayed for me and instilled courage in me. She wrote me this line: "Sam, you will not die, but live and declare the work of God." Those words made such an impact on me that I internalized them gradually. I share this with you in the hope that I may connect with you meaningfully. God is too great for any demon that is attached to a human. He is too great for your demon. Just believe that. And declare that again and again. "If God be for us, who can be against us?" "Nothing shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Neither angels nor demons can separate us from the love of God." Remember these eternal truths. And go out into the open and forget your problems as best as you can and recognize the glory of God in whatever feeble way you can. The more you try the better you will be at it. Remember this, you are well and free, if you are in Christ. "If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed." As Jesus said, "Don't be afraid. Just believe."

Remember, the last thing we need to do as Christians is to worry. When we submit a problem to God, we should learn to take our eyes away from it to Him, who is able to do whatever we ask of Him. There is light at the end of the tunnel. DON'T GIVE UP. Just say like a child, "Jesus, help me." Believe and declare that you are a child of God, even when nothing seems to happen. And it will eventually happen. God will bring about justice in your life, and you will receive double for your trouble.

God is the one person I serve. I am a servant of God and a believer in his Son Jesus Christ, and an instrument in the hands of his Holy Spirit. That is all I am and care to be.

We will receive miracles from God if we believe in them and expect them to happen. God is a miracle worker, because he does what we cannot do. So the one who believes in God should also be hopeful of receiving miracles from God.

Good day child of God. God walks with you. Know this truth and let there be a spring in your step.

I have struggled and failed much. But God has always walked with me. I can never forget this.

We must soldier on without being overawed by the opposition. God's opponent is formidable. But God is even more formidable.

It has been the middle of the night for a long time. But God is with me. And I know that rejoicing comes in the morning.

This is why we are weak. God reveals his strength only when we are weak. We are weak so that we may find our strength in God. We are weak so that we may reach out to others who are weak, and show them that our weakness is not the end, but the beginning of everything that God wants to do in our lives.

Don’t submit to fear. When God is near there is no place for fear. Say, “God is with me. I will not be afraid, for he will not abandon me. He will save me from disaster. He will guide me to a safe place.”

God has a purpose for each and every one of us. Let us be happy to serve that purpose. Let us not aspire to do anything more or less than that.

No matter how difficult the path is believe that God is with you. And believe that with him you can do the impossible. Just say this, “God is with me. And I can do the impossible with him.”

Don’t compare yourself with another. Be who you were meant to be. And be happy to be that.

We must want for others what we want for ourselves. This is how we should love others.

You can't love people and separate yourself from them. Such love is not love. God did not love us like that. He came to live with us, even the worst of us, and especially the worst of us. So let us if we are anything like Christ, not separate ourselves from the ones who truly need Christ. And those who need Christ the most are the ones who have walked the farthest from him.

When difficulties arise, always focus on this truth. God is great and he is with you. He will help you if only you would call to him. Call to him, and submit your cares at his feet. And then rest in the confidence that he will help you.

I smile today only because of God. I am blessed. All children of God will always be blessed. Be sure of this. Expect your blessing and give thanks to God.

It is God who turns the dream into action. God turned my dream into action and the action will go on.

Mistakes are my best teachers. O may the best teachers abound in my life!

The church must welcome sinners of the worst kind to be anything like Christ. And it must let them stay.

I believe in a God who restores. So I will not sit around and complain about what I lost. I look forward to God's restoration of every good thing that I lost.

Take heart. God will not despise or disdain the suffering of the afflicted ones. He hears our cries and will respond to them.

I have spoken for God just as I promised. Even if I should never speak again for Him, I can always rejoice in what I did, for that will never be erased.

Thank God for just being there. There is a God who loves us and cares for us. Let us go to him today and receive his love. Let us submit our lives to him believing that he will take good care of us.

There was a time in my life when I didn't give thanks to God for anything. I didn't even know that He had something to do with what was going on in my life. Now I give thanks to God for everything that I can think of. It just occurred to me that it may never be possible for me to thank God for everything in my life. God has been there with me every day, and has made every moment in my life possible. I can't possibly be aware of everything God has done for me. The entirety of his goodness cannot be known to me.

A parent's love for his child is great indeed. God's love for us must be even greater than that, for God is always greater than Man. Whatever goodness we show is a poor reflection of His limitless goodness. Let every parent know and reflect the love of God.

Don't only talk about Jesus. Show Jesus to others by the way you love.

Respect people, even the least of them. Respect the greatest and the least in the same way.

"Love God and do whatever you want" said Saint Augustine. It is the love for God that is primary. God looks at the heart of Man and searches for love. The love for God is more important than any doctrine or prayer that may be said to God in a certain way. Quotations from the scriptures and declarations of faith are secondary. Even a keeping of God's commands is secondary to the love a human feels for God. This alone is God's primary requirement. And the love of God is expressed in the love for human beings. Any God lover must also love humans the way they are without trying to change them according to how he or she would like them to be.

Bear this in mind. God does not evaluate us by what we possess or even by who we are. We are all sinners. And we are all poor. No one is rich in God's eyes. Naked we entered this world and naked we will leave. There is nothing to boast of as far as human accomplishments are concerned. We are mere ants doing the things that ants do, believing that we are something greater than ants. This is the tragedy of human thinking.

It is not intolerance but ignorance that is the real problem. Intolerance arises from ignorance. People are intolerant of one another because of their mistaken belief in their own correctness. So unshakeable is their faith in their own understanding that they decry and denounce others when they depart from the way according to them. No one understands life and grasps all its truths. No one knows God and has seen him in his entirety. So anyone who is confident of his own knowledge regarding these matters is an ignorant person.

There will always be difference that is difficult to tolerate. Tolerating difference is the first step towards living in harmony. The next step is accepting it.

Let’s do it when it is most difficult. Let’s thank God when it is most difficult to do so. Let’s thank God in trying circumstances. Let’s remember all the good that God has done in our lives.

What am I, you wonder. I am your friend if you like that. I’m your teacher if you prefer that. I’m your father if you need one. But above all I am your brother in Jesus Christ. We are related in the most significant way. Denominational difference is of no consequence in such a relationship. Catholic or Protestant, or any other label will not separate us as long as we are in Christ. It is with him that we must identify ourselves primarily.

God tells us to bear with one another. We may wonder why. Why does God want us to bear with those who have faults and weaknesses? The answer is simple. We are not without faults and weaknesses ourselves. When God accepts us the way we are, we should do the same with others.

Stop fighting among yourselves. Start working together for the One you wish to serve. He exists in three persons, yet he is One. If you belong to him, why should you be so fragmented? Why do you cling to your divisions with such tenacity? Accept one another and work together in peace and harmony and love. And when people see you they will see the One in you.

Let us first desire God's kingly rule and His righteousness in our lives. And everything else we need will be supplied to us.

When God tells me to go I go. I walk on with my head pointed to where I am going. I don’t look here and there.

We are God’s people speaking with one voice about one God. One Spirit is helping all of us speak one message. When such is the case should the children of God quarrel over who spoke what? We all speak because of God. It is he who speaks through us. That is what we must be aware of at all times. When I write or say something and give it to the world, it belongs to the world. I have no ownership of it. All ownership belongs with God ultimately. Knowing this is enlightenment.

If God is walking with me, why should I look here and there in fear?

God keeps me going today. So I will go on and do what he wants me to do without fear of consequences. When I work for God I will face opposition, but I need not fear it, for he who enables me to walk on, will also protect me from what will try to prevent me from moving forward. I will leave my cares with God and do what I need to do.

For what I am able to do today to improve myself and others, thank you God.

Every moment is an opportunity to glorify God. Every moment requires a decision. Should I listen to the inner voice or my own voice? Should I walk in the narrow path or the broad path? Should I pronounce the effortless curse or the impossible blessing? Should I spurn in hatred or embrace in love? Should I give up my desire or give in to the temptation? Should I focus on my weakness or His strength? Should I lament my lot or rejoice in His promise? Should I flee from or run toward the cross? Should I glorify Him or gratify myself? Every moment is decision time. Every moment I decide one way or the other.

How shall I glorify my Lord? I shall glorify Him by what I say. I shall also glorify Him by what I choose not to say. I shall glorify Him by what I do. I shall also glorify Him by what I choose not to do. I shall glorify Him by what I think. I shall also glorify Him by what I choose not to think.

What is the truth regarding giving? The Bible says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Jesus said, “Freely you have received. Freely give.” This is the reason why we should give. We should give because we have been commanded by God to give. Giving is an act of obedience to God. We give not because we want to feel good about ourselves. There is nothing good in us. St. Paul said, “Nothing good lives inside me.” God commanded us to give. This is why we should give. We give because God lives in us. We give because God inspires the giving in us. And we must give in all circumstances, not only when we have plenty, but also when we have little.

Of late I have understood the importance of identifying with every human being, especially with simple and humble human beings. This is what God himself did. When God chose to be born in this world, he chose to be born to humble people in a humble place. He lived a humble life and died a humble death. God identified with the poor and the humble. I don’t see why I, as a follower of God, should identify with the rich, should desire to identify with the rich.

Giving is good because it is something that Christ commanded us to do. We must give. We must give not because we expect to receive. We will receive when we give. We give because we have already received. We have received freely and we must give freely. This is a principle that has worked in my life. And I wanted to share this with you so that you may also consider giving if you haven’t done that already. May God bless you. May God enable you to give. Giving is good. The Bible says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Shall we give today?

Love. You cannot love in your own strength. You cannot love with what you have. And what you have is not love. But you may love with God. You may love with God in you. God is love, and when he lives in you, love lives in you and you may learn to love just as he does. It may not come quickly. It may not come easily. But it will come if you believe. Believe. Believe in God. Believe in love. And love without restraint and without stipulation. Love. Love those who are difficult to love.

Jesus said, “Love those who are difficult to love." This means that you should love people whom you would not normally love. You should love people that you would walk away from. You should love those who seem repulsive to you. You should love those who seem hateful to you. You should love people with skin diseases, rotten teeth and dirty nails. You should love reprobates and low lives that you find revolting. In short Jesus wants you to love those whom you simply cannot stand.

Jesus said, “Love your neighbour.” Who is this neighbour? Is this neighbour a person whom I could love? Is this neighbour a person who is easy to love? What if this neighbour has rotten teeth? What if this neighbour has a repulsive disease? What if this neighbour has stinking breath? What if this neighbour is a hateful man? What if this neighbour wants to kill me? Should I love such a person? Who is my neighbour? Who is your neighbour? And why should you love your neighbour? And why should you love him as you love yourself? Isn’t that what Jesus said? “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” Isn’t that what God says even in the Old Testament? “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” Who is this neighbour? And why should I love him?

God not only created our bodies, he can also heal them. Remember this today as you deal with your sickness.

Whatever we do let us do something worthwhile today bearing in mind that life is short and it could be very short for some of us. Let us do what is best for us, and let us do what is best for others as well. Let us be prepared to face death today. The only way we can face death today is if we do what we know is right. If we believe that something is good for us and for others, we should do that. But we should not do anything just for the sake of pleasing the world and going along with the crowd. Let us approach life today with a certain sense of consideration and caution. Life is short; we need to make the best possible use of the time that we have.

What is the best possible way to live? Should one live for oneself? Or should one live for others? Each person needs to examine that question. A life that is focused on serving oneself may not be as rewarding as a life that is focused on serving others. Still one cannot live for others purely. One should also live for oneself. One should also take care of one’s needs. One should also do what one finds pleasing.

Life is short. For some it is very short. Some people are fighting a battle to live, while others are living but they are not fully aware of the privilege of life. Life is a gift. There is a certain time allotted for every human. May people do their best with the time that is given to them. None of us know when our time will be up. No one knows when exactly he or she will die. When such is the case it is important to take every moment in life seriously and use it in the best possible way.

God asks us to wait many times. And while we wait for him it is important for us to remember the times when God helped us and saved us from trouble. Let us say in times like these, “Thank you God. Thank you for all that you’ve done." Let’s thank God while we wait, not only for past and present blessings but also for future ones.

Along with trouble I find God. In trouble I cling to the promise of God. He said, “I will never leave you. I will never forsake you. I have a good plan for you, not a plan to harm you.” In this I will rest today. And those of you who are troubled, be comforted by this promise: God is with you. Put your trust in God. Put your trust in Jesus Christ. Do not be afraid. Along with trouble you will find God.

Today I need to think about what God is doing in my life. I need to believe that he is with me. Above all I need to feel him today. I need to feel his reassuring presence in my life. Troubles have surrounded me. But I must believe. I must believe that these troubles will benefit me and strengthen me and mould me into the person that God wants me to be. As unwelcome as troubles are I must welcome them. And I must appreciate what they eventually do for me. They humble me and bring me to a place of realization that I am essentially nothing. I am essentially powerless. And the only reason why I function and do anything helpful is God. He lives and works in me.

Hang on to hope if you believe in God, and entrust your life to him. He will not destroy your hope. He will bring you to a place of fulfilment. Let’s believe in the goodness of God. Let’s not be afraid of what might happen to us.

“What’s the use of worrying? Can you add a hair to your head by worrying?” This is what Jesus Christ said to those who were worried. Jesus told his disciples not to worry. “Don’t be afraid. Just believe”, he said on one occasion. It’s a simple statement, but very powerful. It’s a statement that I need to remember today. It’s a statement that many people need to remember today, as they wait for the Lord Jesus Christ to do something to solve their problems. Let’s not be afraid today. Let’s believe that our God is good, and that he’ll save us just as he promised us, and that he’ll be there for us, and that he’ll not forsake us.

Fear is an instinct inspired by the devil, and is sometimes suggested in the most well-meaning way. The voice of reason turns out to be the voice of disbelief and fear. But my voice will be the voice of faith.

Jesus has always been my friend. He is my kind mentor when I allow Him to be that. He is my protector even when I am not aware of His protection. He is my lover even when I am in the embrace of another. He loves without end. I must focus on this Christ, my Lord and my God and His infinite power. And then all will be well.

In this work for God I will face opposition. There is already opposition in the demonic realm and this will spill into the natural realm. I am not naive regarding the dangers inherent in the work that I do. But I must turn to Christ and rely on Him entirely for my survival in an environment that is likely to be hostile to him. If Jesus Christ called me, then He will enable me to do what He wants and protect me while I do His work.

I don't analyse what I do beyond this. I have no fixed plan of action. I just express what God puts in my heart. And for eight years He has put plenty in there. And I see no reason why He will stop now. I try to tell everyone about Christ, particularly those who do not know Him. And there are many who do not know Him very well. I too learn every day about Christ. My knowledge of Him is incomplete, but I shall speak as well as I have learned.

I serve Christ because I love Christ. I would not have been in this work for eight years and I would not have walked away from my professional life and doctoral thesis if I had not cared for Christ. I care about what Christ cares. Hopefully I care as much as He wants me to. I want to reveal the love of God and the greatness of His grace expressed in Christ to those who neither know nor desire God. I particularly need to speak to unbelieving people in this world, because I know what unbelief is. And it can be a terrible waste of time, besides being an immense hindrance to peace and joy and may well be the road to total destruction. God brought me back to Him from a position of dire unbelief. This He did through certain people. If these people had not carried God's message to me I would not have reached this place of belief today. So I aspire to be a messenger of God to many of His lost children.

From silence to speech, from reluctance to willingness I have journeyed. Much has been taken out of me. Much has been placed within me.

The pursuit of goals can be oppressive. One agonises over what one has not yet achieved when one should rejoice in what one has already achieved. Every day is a step closer to the goal. Every day is an improvement on the previous day. There is much to rejoice in what happens today.

Listen, listen, listen to God. Listen to the inner voice speak after you have poured out your nonsense. After you speak your foolish words you will hear the words of your Lord come to you in a single muted flash that stays, calms and overpowers.

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