
Thursday, 9 May 2013

The Sayings of Samuel Godfrey George - The Hypocrisy of Some Christians

Many Christians undermine the impact of the Lord Jesus Christ on the world. Their prejudices and intolerance render them unable to accept others just as they are. These tendencies highlight a marked difference between the Christ of the Bible and the Christians of the world. Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, all of them no matter how great their sin. And the first thing he did in order to save them was to accept them as they were without condemning their sinful lifestyles. This acceptance is where many Christ followers stumble. They just cannot accept a sinner without being bothered by his sin.

The prejudices of Christians hurt Christ the most.

God has not strengthened us so that we may condemn others and tell them that they are wrong. No God has strengthened us so that we may bear with others and help them realize their error by showing ourselves as loving and compassionate humans who are ruled by the love of God.

What is the use of your looking at me if I do not convey Christ to you? There was a time when I wanted people to look at me for my own gratification. I wanted to be noticed and praised. Today I have tasted the worthlessness of this pleasure. Nothing that I have is mine. Even I do not belong to myself. Everything was given for a purpose. I was bought at a price. Now I must only think of another - he who gave all. He is Christ, my God and my Master. It is for his sake that I speak. It is for his glory that I raise my voice. So if you look at me today may you find Christ. And if you do not find Christ may you look elsewhere.

The Bible must be quoted with care. It cannot be used to condemn anyone, as it is not the business of Man to condemn anyone. We are here to build each other up and not to put each other down. Our understanding of anything in this world and especially in God's heaven is inadequate. Given the state of our knowledge and our tendency to be judgemental we must stay away from pharisaical positions. I have always stayed away from such positions. And my intent in being honest about myself is not to inspire undeserved criticism but to glorify God who loves honesty and sincerity.

Though my circumstances may speak against me do not rush to judge me. All judgement is reserved for a higher intelligence than what Man possesses. I have suffered. I am in debt and I am in doubt. But even John the Baptist had his moment of doubt. And many prophets have been in lack. So do not look at my sufferings and say that I am suffering for my sins. I have sinned greatly but not against you. My sins are against God and he has forgiven them. But I am suffering for another reason. Anyone who knows Christ knows suffering. You cannot belong to Christ without going through a certain suffering.

In these last six years I have taken the love of God into the world. I have not done this alone. I have done this with God. My whole life has been a preparation for this. And to those who are not able to see what I have done with God in the last few years, I have this to say: "Do not presume to know what I have experienced and what I have done. You cannot know. Even I cannot know fully. But I know this. A work has been done in me. Even I have been made to work to bring this work out in full view of the world. So no one can say I have not worked. My works testify to my work."

It is to God I have asked a question in public. Though people may answer and though God's voice may sometimes be heard in what people say, I shall wait for God's answer, his quiet answer in my mind. He alone knows my heart. He alone has travelled with me on this journey. He alone knows what I need.

Admit to God that you are weak. And admit to the world that you are weak without God. When you announce your weakness, the world may judge you. There is a price to paid for honesty. Human beings may not always react well to honesty. But God is always pleased with an honest person.

You can quote the Bible and still not know the heart of God. You may know nothing of the Bible and still know the heart of God. The heart of God is love, and his love is one without expectations and restrictions.

That God forgives all sins and loves all people is a fact that is hard to accept for some people. Even some who call themselves the followers of God have a problem with God showing grace to others even though they themselves have received the same grace.

There are Christians who hinder the preaching of the gospel. There is a Christian who is trying to hinder my preaching of the gospel. It is a sad thing when the so-called follower of Christ hinders the message of love. But this too shall pass.

The message that God loves the world must be conveyed. Everyone must know that God loves the world. And this love is not attached to any expectation. No one has to be anything to merit God's wonderful love. Anyone who tries to squeeze in a message of justice and repentance along with the message of God's love is doing a disservice to the incredible love of God.

You can read the entire Bible and still miss the point.

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