
Wednesday 17 June 2015

Sayings of Samuel Godfrey George - May 2015

The best thing in my life is that I get to share God with the people in the world, even as I go through a certain storm.

The heat can affect your mind. But let your heart be steady.

When you don't receive an answer to your prayer, pray for someone else.

When you can laugh at yourself you have grown.

Now I can agree with what I previously disagreed with. That's the passage of time and the thing that comes along with it called growth.

Don't fight for preserving numbers. Fight for preserving sense.

There is the need for advancement in every kind of knowledge. But as far as spiritual knowledge is concerned, some prefer it as old as the hills. Old is best. The inspired biblical writers are the only available sources of divine knowledge. Also no departure beyond the written text, preferably authorised by King James is recommended.

It is either don't worry or worry. It is either God has paid for all your sins or you must pay for all your sins. It is either focus your attention on loving somebody today or focus your attention on feeling sorry for your many sins today. You can't mix these opposites and then call it good news. Yet this is what is often referred to as good news.

Trust no human wisdom if you are out to seek God.

You must go through your mistakes to know what is wrong with them. You must live out their consequences to flush them out of your system. In short before you divorce them, you should be married to your mistakes.

No matter how many times you fall today know that you will rise in the strength of the Lord.

Those who want to love must be willing to suffer for that love.

You can speak volumes about Jesus love. Or you can go out and serve someone, and be the best friend that you can to that person.

You love by showing. Show your love today.

We have all rebelled against God and fallen short of his glory, and the glorious image in which we were made. Yet only some of us feel sorry for our rebellion.

We were created to be perfect. But we became imperfect when we chose to believe in God's great enemy.

Let the addict not accuse the society of feeding his addiction. Let the corrupt man not look at God and accuse him of faulty craftsmanship. Let the sinner admit his sin and take responsibility for it. For the weak man should learn to say he is strong. He must discover his original strength, when God created him in his own image.

Let the drunkard not accuse his wife of infidelity. Let him look deep into himself and see the moral failure that he is. Let him admit his insecurity and his inadequacy. And let him seek God who alone can make him secure and adequate.

We are all rebels. Some of us are ashamed of our rebellion, while others can live with it.

Don't let the devil tell you who you were. Let God tell you who you are.

It takes more courage to believe in God than to disbelieve in him.

Let us give glory to God because he gives us the strength to go through trouble. This is a greater gift than just delivering us from trouble. God wants us to discover our true strength, the strength that we find in him, in the midst of trouble.

Your God will not desert you. Just wait for him quietly believing in his faithfulness.

If you want to keep a friend, don't like him too much. Be moderate in the way you respond to a person. Never show excessive attention to anyone. Let everyone be equal in your eyes.

I'm learning the most unforgettable lesson. In this walk called life God alone is constant. At least he emerges eventually as the only one who can be found at one's side when all have left.

Loving God and all that he created is the greatest act of obedience.

God has thought of me. He has not forgotten me. In my time of trouble God has reached out to me. As I struggle on in life, trying to do what God inspired in me, I called out to God for help. And he responded. His grace is sufficient for me. Let me believe in this today. And let me give thanks to God for his kindness to me. May God be kind to all his people. May he supply their needs today.

From God I have learned to shut up.

Along with the ability to use words, I have also gained the ability not to use words, when words can only damage.

At the core of worship is gratitude. At the core of gratitude is contentment.

It is impossible to be grateful if you are not happy with who you are.

Be what God made you to be. And God apparently didn't want all of us to be the same. There is variety in his artistry, and there is difference within everything he made. Let us then be ourselves no matter how different that may be. This is the way we truly celebrate life. Let us be grateful for our individuality today.

God's apparent slowness and indifference may send the wrong signals to the believer. But the believer must determine to see things God's way and trust in the faithfulness of God to complete what he started.

Will Jesus Christ come back soon? This is not even on my mind. Will I believe in Jesus Christ today despite his apparent indifference to me? This is the question on my mind that requires an immediate answer.

I don't think about the end times. I think about my own end, and how I want to do something of value before I die. This keeps me going.

From fearlessness I have moved to fear. But this is no fear of man or what humans can do to me. It is the fear of God, and of who he is and what I cannot be without him.

To withhold the sword is the greatest feat in power.

I will declare that I am strong even as I feel weak. For the Lord keeps me at peace even in the most difficult times.

The idea of God is that no man should boast and consider himself better than others. If faith makes a man feel better than another who does not have faith, then that faith is not from God.

"Holy Spirit filled Christian", "born again Christian" - these are only man-made labels that seek to distinguish and glorify human beings. Before God we are either yielded or rebellious. If we are yielded, it is not by our own effort, for faith from the beginning to the end is a work of God.

People react in many ways to the Bible. It is desirable that they see hope instead of despair, tolerance instead of bigotry, love instead of hatred as the goals to pursue after reading the Bible. But such a reaction is by no means guaranteed. A reaction that runs contrary to this is more often seen among those who claim to have read the Bible.

We are all Holy Spirit filled if we are believers in Jesus Christ. This is nothing new and deserves no special attention. That we have the Spirit in us reveals nothing about us that is praise-worthy. Faith from the beginning to the end is the work of God. The human just hangs on to the faith given to him, and does that by the grace of God.

If you are a follower of Jesus, you are the follower of the Servant. The follower of the Servant is a servant too. So be prepared to do whatever you need to do to serve God and his people.

Today is the day to submit to God. Today is the day to prepare for his coming. It is as simple as that.

Even a lesson, especially a lesson is a blessing.

God's way is best. But Man must have his way, and live it to the full. Only then will he accept God's way as the best.

If you desire sanity in the heat of your madness, then you are sane indeed.

All misunderstandings must be realized. All misconceptions must be given up ultimately. Yet this is a process. You'll have to misunderstand and misconceive again and again until realization and disillusionment ripen to the point of falling off your tree. You may pluck the fruit prematurely, but its early loss will be mourned.

Let the offence go. Hand over the offender to God. He alone can make restitution.

Extreme care is extreme fear.

The worst thing a human can do is to define God and godly actions. There is no one formula that fits all. Each and every one of us has to discover God in his or her own way.

This is the reason why I live. This is the reason why I work for God. And if I ever doubt God, what he has done in me in the last ten years and more attests to his transforming power.

Bible study is essential. But practising love is vital.

Knowing the heart of God is more important than knowing his head.

Sin drives me to God. Once sin became visible as sin, the road to God appeared along with it. And the strength to walk the road is directly proportional to the enormity of my sin.

"Will I be known?" is no longer relevant to me. "Will God be known through me?" seems a worthwhile question to ask. Anyway I am a little player in a very big game. That's all I see these days. Any focus on my own agenda seems ridiculous now. With God I can only shine. So I will not think about my personal goal any more.

I'm waiting for God, not for any human. I wait for God to come down and marry his bride, and I hope to be united with him in an unending relationship. I hold flowers only for him.

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