
Thursday 1 November 2012

The Sayings of Samuel Godfrey George - October 2012

Focus on the good. Focus on God. Focus on His love. And His love is Jesus Christ. 

If you disagree do so with love. Do so gently with appreciation for the other.

I shall be a bright light in this dark world. And l shall keep my light shining all the time.

I feel good today because I have not withheld my love. I feel good today because I have not withheld my forgiveness. And some other person also feels good because of what I did not withhold.

If you can smile even at your enemy and speak kindly even when provoked then you have God dwelling within you.

Don't desire more than you need. And then you will rest.

I have learned the hardest lessons, yet sometimes I barely remember them.

It is more difficult to believe in God today than it ever was. Those who believe in God now are risking far more than believers ever did.

Vital decisions have to be made in absolute quiet.

I submit my worst thoughts to God. Let him handle them. I certainly can't handle them.

When you are bored pray. Pray for inspiration. Or pray for someone who needs your prayer. There are plenty who will benefit from your prayer.

Submit the things that you cannot handle to God. There is nothing you can do about them. Submit the worst of your thoughts and the most despicable of your inclinations. Let him deal with these. He alone can make something beautiful out of the ugly.

"Let the weak say, 'I am strong'". Yes let the weak say this in their weakest moments. Let them say this as they submit to their weakness. Let them say it as they rise from it. Let them say it before they submit again. And let them say it as long as they live. And then they will know the strength that they did not have.

I don't want to be anywhere without God. That is my wish. I shall take God with me to the ungodliest places and especially to them.

Some people encourage and then leave. They speak glowingly and then remain silent. They speak one thing and do another. This is something I have learned the hard way. And though it rankles I consider it God's great blessing to me.

It is such a privilege to serve God. I am in the middle of much trouble and I can still rejoice. My heart is filled with the desire to pray for everyone, even the passer-by that I do not know. This is the light of God in me. For this I shall sing a song of thanks.

O Lord, I need you to steady my mind today. I need my mind to be steadied every day. Today teach me how to love you and how to serve you. I submit all my thoughts to you, especially the wicked ones. And may you work in me your wonderful miracle. May you turn every evil thought into something good as only you can do it.

There's nothing to be ashamed of. Where the Lord dwells is indeed a holy place. And he dwells in you. So don't be ashamed of what you find in yourself. The Lord can accept it. Why can't you?

The Lord has made me sing songs in the worst of times. All my smiles, all my notes of triumph have come in the darkest hour.

The Lord made me "The Voice". This is his greatest act of love towards me.

I'm in big trouble now, so I must rejoice big time!

Are some pleasures still really pleasure? This is the extent to which I have changed.

Let no man torment himself with feelings of guilt. The devil is already doing the job pretty well.

I'm glad that God is using me in some way, and though I do not always sense it, I know it.

Knowing my own weakness is crucial to my knowing where my strength comes from. And my strength comes from God.

The only thing a man should glory in is in the love of God for him.

When you embrace what is distasteful it will become even more distasteful.

To discard what is ultimately unnecessary you must hold on to it for a while. You cannot throw away something completely as long as you still need it in some way. So keep the undesirable until it can be surely and safely removed from you.

I trust in the path where God has led me. I believe that it is God who has led me in this path. I love God, therefore I will spend my time with Him, knowing Him, loving Him and working for Him. It is possible to glorify God in all kinds of ways. But the way I choose to glorify Him is by being a voice for Him, speaking for Him and writing for Him. And this I will do wholeheartedly.

God, I want to write for you. I want to speak for you. I want to be your voice. I want to be your tool. I want to be your gentle voice speaking to an unbelieving world. I want to testify to your love. But I cannot speak of your love without knowing it, without experiencing it. Today, please love me so that I know what love is. Today, answer my prayer.

The one who knows the love of God perfectly does not fear the judgement of God.

Ask God for wisdom when you make decisions. And wait for God to show you what remains hidden from your eyes. Then learn from what you observe and you will know what to do. Do it without haste and without delay.

If what you do is good but your intention is not good, then do not do it.

The best thing for me to think is that I am nothing. And God is everything. And the only way a nothing like me can be something is by knowing God. And to know God is to seek Him and follow His ways.

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