
Friday 5 December 2014

Sayings Of Samuel Godfrey George - June 2014

Where love is God is. And I try to be close to love. It is time to love and speak words of life. It is time to build and not destroy. It is time to end the darkness inside.

When it is most depressing, count your many blessings.

All our prayers together send up a sweet fragrance to God. Thank God that we have a praying world, where people pray for one another. May God increase our desire to pray.

My new and able computer, which I christened, "GodInSam", is still a dream waiting to be realized. I have gone without a personal computer for nearly 30 days after 9 years of uninterrupted computer and Internet access. It's tough because my brain is always working with new ideas and my heart is always longing to express. Thankfully there is an Internet Centre near my home, which I visit daily, despite a painful left leg. Here I try to connect with the world in meaningful ways.

Our prayers have been mightily answered. My mother Hannah has considerably improved in her health. There was a time in the last few days when I dreaded the inevitable. Her suffering was intense and relentless. But now, miraculously the scenario has changed. Though she is still not completely all right, the worst of her suffering appears to have passed. She still has a complication, which must be attended to. But now, we can surely sigh in relief. God is great. And His people are wonderful. Thank you friends for your prayers.

As I was walking today, I said to myself, "Lord lead me to be grateful and thankful today. Let me bless everyone that I see. Let my mouth bless and not be idle. My life is certainly not going according to my plan. I hope it is going according to yours."

This is the best prayer that I can say today: "Lord God, create in me a desire for you that overpowers every other desire. Let me seek your thoughts and your ways above everything else." If God grants this, everything else will follow.

Always try to serve God in whatever way you can.

Lord, I wait on you. And I will continue to wait as long as it takes. I know that you will not fail me.

You will not abandon me. I'm secure for I'm in your hands.

Don't worry. God is near. And He will certainly hear.

You must always take risks to obtain the best.

Let my heart learn to praise God. Let my mind be convinced by his promises. Let me be ready to receive the love of God today.

I repeat to myself what a friend wrote to me recently, "God WILL provide!" He capitalized every letter in the word "will" to emphasize the certainty of God's provision. I also repeat what another person said recently to me. "God is great!" These utterances are simple and familiar, yet they convey so clearly the essential nature of God. Yes, God IS great, and He WILL provide for the person who has fixed his eyes on Him. Let me be that person today.

Let me fix my eyes on you today, my Lord, just as king Jehoshaphat did. Let me turn my eyes away from human distractors. You alone are my provider. You alone are my helper. No human can rescue me from my sufferings. O Lord, you have been my God right from the time I was born. Now look upon me with your gracious eyes and give ear to my cry of distress. I hang on to the promise that you will never leave me alone.

God, I have walked by your side for many years now. Right now I have had to stop and pause for a while. I did look here and there for you. But I couldn't find you. Though fears rise in my heart I remind myself of your promise, "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it." And then I hear the chorus in my heart, "No never alone. No never alone. He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone." Thus I strengthen myself and wait for you. Please come back to save me.

I make the mistake of looking to humans for help. I think, "It is God who helps through humans." But I am wrong. It is God alone who helps. It is God alone who provides. Humans may be agents of his provision. But God is always the provider. He is always the only provider.

God is love above everything else. It is the love of God which I wish to share with the world. God loves each and every one of us, even though we may not love Him, and in many cases may not even know Him. And God does not want any one of us to perish.

Don't be in a hurry. God will arrive on time.

I have walked away from my academic degrees and my academic career, as these things do not tug at my heart strings any more. These are now wholly tugged by God and His Christ and His Holy Spirit. I'd like to do my work wholeheartedly and thus on a full-time basis. Will God sustain me and will He inspire His people to support me? Will anyone stand with me as I take the good news of God's love to the world? This is my question to the world. One cannot carry out a sustained and effective ministry of God without the support of God's people. My ministry needs this support. And the support of the people is not only support. It is an agreement, a partnership, an act of standing along with me when I speak for God and thus those who support me will also speak for God along with me. Will people speak for God along with me?

Human friends come and go. God the Friend stays forever.

God is great. Just say this every time when you don't have a clue about where your life is going.

Giving is the best thing you can do. So give always. Give even when it doesn't make sense. Give even as you want to receive.

Let the one who wants to mourn comfort another.

If you need to receive, give to someone today.

When you are in need of encouragement yourself, give encouragement to someone else.

God will make a way for you. So don't lose hope. He will do something new today.

Let me not be ready to faint when trouble comes. Let me be ready to trust in God again to save me again.

Let the first response to trouble not be, "Why God, why?" Let it be "God, I trust you with this problem as well. I know that you will not fail me."

Our God Yahweh will not fail us. Everyone who calls on Him will be saved. He shall supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. He will neither leave us nor forsake us. Let us put our trust in Him and wait for Him patiently. If we place ourselves in His hands we are safe.

If I can love I can do anything.

God is great. Great is our God. He always lifts me up when I'm down.

"Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing" is the ultimate statement of divine mercy that I aspire to realize in my life today.

Even a beggar receives. He can give from what he receives.

There's always something to share. One penny will do. One genuine smile will do. Yes, a genuine prayer will do as well. Even if it is the last penny or the last meal you must be willing to share it. This is what I read in the Bible.

I certainly appreciate the one who does not even bother to look in the direction of a needy person than the one who approaches him with pious love and many spoken blessings without actually doing one practical thing to meet his need.

When a desperate young man came to me several years ago and asked me for help, I'm grateful that I didn't send him away with only a prayer. When my own uncle requested me for help at a time when no one would trust him, I'm grateful that I didn't send him with only my tears and prayers. Yesterday when I met a needy person on the road, I'm grateful that I didn't leave her only with my blessings. I'm grateful to God that He inspired me to give on every occasion, for giving is better than receiving and is better than only praying without giving.

We are commanded to love one another as Christ loved us and He loved us by giving Himself to us, which is the ultimate kind of giving. Prayer must bring forth love and giving. Anyone who merely prays without giving is not truly praying and also not fully obeying the commandment to love another as oneself.

One promises to pray for someone when one fails to help someone. This could be a genuine case of inability or it could be a polite excuse for not helping someone. Helping is troublesome. It always involves cost that not many are willing to pay. Of course prayer is also help, but it must be sincere in order to be so.

Don't call me "son" and fail to act like my mother. Don't call me " a great prophet" and fail to give me your immediate attention.

When a man needs help the best thing one can do for him is to give him help. Any other thing no matter how well-meant may be quite useless.

I'm an Indian, a son of a Hindu and a former antitheist, aflame with the desire to speak of Christ and His unqualified love and acceptance of a flawed and disbelieving humanity, asking for help from the body of Jesus Christ. Surely this is something that deserves attention.

For more than two weeks I have not made or uploaded any video presentations. My computer, an old workhorse that churned out about 3000 videos in a period of seven years has died completely. Now I visit Internet Centres and post links to my old videos and paste notes from my blogs on Facebook. I will do this as long as I am motivated by God. But I want to continue my video work on YouTube. I need a new, capable computer. And I just don't have the means to buy one. Every day I cry out to God for help. There is so much of my voice already on the web. The Internet has inspired me to write like I have never written before. I want the inspiration to continue. People have told me how much my work has inspired them to know God. I'd like this work to go on. May God let it go on.

Keep on giving because giving is best. Best for you certainly.

Let a friend in need find the friend indeed.

The night was given so that we may grateful for the day. Without the night we will have no regard for the day.

Keep on giving especially when no one notices. Keep on loving especially when no one cares to return your love.

I will be a prisoner of hope today. I will believe that God will send help to me in my time of need.

A little bit of help is better than no help at all.

To give the lie the appearance of truth, you must mix the lie with the truth.

The purveyors of deception are themselves deceived.

The spokespersons of Satan believe that they speak the truth. They may even believe that they speak for God.

To say that you care about something and to do nothing about it is not caring at all.

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