
Monday 15 December 2014

Sayings Of Samuel Godfrey George - November 2014

Hoping in God is a good thing because God never fails.

God clothed us because we cannot deal with nakedness properly.

If children should come to God, then adults must tell them about him.

We are saved not by external rituals or by religious activities. We are saved by God who gives us the grace to believe in His Truth, which is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Promises are for those who keep them. If you cannot keep it do not make a promise.

You cannot tear away from one to the other. You transit from one to the other.

If you keep replaying the old memories, rethinking the old thoughts and re-enacting the old rituals how will you change? To change you must discard the past and embrace the new, even if it is uncomfortable and painful.

Why believe in the lie even if it excites you? Believe in the truth even though it numbs you.

Love without someone even knowing.

Learn to work in absolute silence without any attention and applause. Focus only on Him who gives you the strength and the desire to work and seek only His face and desire only His approval.

When you have nothing to do, say a prayer.

You can awake lust by simply speaking about it.

Insincere gratitude is an insult. A thankless person is better than an insincere thanks-giver.

A most important lesson to learn is to say to thank you sincerely.

Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for dying for us on the cross.

Whatever be my trouble in life, I shall embrace it for Christ, who will let me exchange my cross someday for a a crown.

Today if you see a brother in need do not turn away from him.

Those who are without peace today, go to Jesus. He is our peace.

It's blessed to be the last. It's blessed to be the least.

It is a privilege to say "God bless you" to the one who has been unkind and unfair to you. It is the privilege of the Jesus Christ follower.

I will say this today, despite the silence and the lack: "The Lord will supply all my needs according to his riches in glory. The Lord is my shepherd, so I shall not be in want. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. I trust in the Lord, so disaster will not come near my tent." Yes I shall agree with God and disagree with my deepest fears.

Even a fool is sometimes wise, just as a wise man is sometimes foolish. Let us not be dismissive. Let us not taking anything for granted.

If we can forgive we will surely be conquerors.

If my work for God only pleased me I may be troubled by it. But there are people in the world who have found my work useful to them. Many have encouraged me to continue this work. Some have even supported me financially. I thank God for the encouragement and support. And as I go on, I believe that God will continue to encourage and support this work that he is doing through me. May I stick closer to God now, as I walk through particularly troubled times. I need help, a lot of help. I look to God to send it soon so that I may not faint and fall. During another troubled time in my life, when physical weakness threatened to knock me down, I uttered words from Isaiah. God gives strength to the weak and enables them to do what even young men can't do. He enables them to walk and run without growing weary, so that they do not faint and fall. He makes them soar like eagles. These words will strengthen me today, as I carry on my work despite a terrible weakness, confident that when I am weak, then I am strong.

As I go through trials and troubles in my life, I have cast all my cares on God because he cares for me. I don't think about tomorrow for today is very difficult to live. I took a walk yesterday speaking to myself God's promises to me, even as I was chilled by the realization that I have no bank balance or any material possession to rely on. I have two very elderly people at home who always require attention. I have dedicated myself to God and I devote my efforts entirely to telling people about him. I do no work other than this, and so I do not have an income. I have done this for many years now, and somehow God has always carried me through. Today I find myself in a precarious position. And this is what I tell myself as I wait on God to save me again. God saved me many times. Even this month God reached out to me graciously three times. So I expect him to save me again though the situation is getting more difficult and the answer from God seems more delayed. But I know that I have walked very far with God, so I cannot turn away from him. That will be detrimental to my faith and God's plan for me, which must be fulfilled at any cost.

If God answers all prayers quickly and affirmatively, he will not ask us to wait and trust in his goodness. Ultimately we must accept that God will act any way he chooses any time he wants. We believe that he will act in our best interest, and even if this is not apparent as we wait on him to answer our prayers, we must hold on to this belief tenaciously. Even in times of great darkness, when God appears discouragingly silent and uninterested, we must trust in his goodness and affirm it joyfully. And if we maintain this attitude we can be confident that God will act suddenly and decisively in a manner that is most advantageous to us.

God wants us to trust him for it is not easy to cast our cares on him and simply wait for him to act. He usually takes time, and this can be quite nerve-wracking, as I have found out myself on a few occasions. But if we are to know God's goodness, we need to trust him. And we cannot trust him without going all the way. And sometimes the way to God seems utterly perilous. And you will have fears for your own safety, as you abandon yourself to God. But going through this terrible ordeal is essential to verifying the strength of your determination to believe in God's promises, and this is the way you yourself know how unwavering your trust in God is. Ultimately as a writer put it, God will never fail us, though he will surely scare us to death a few times.

Instead of dreading the worst, hope for the best as far as God is concerned. He is good and wishes to do only good. And he has a good plan for all his children. His plan cannot harm but only do good. Trust in him and all will be well, no matter how dreadful it looks now.

Let's stay married. And let our marriage reflect God's love for us.

The only way to overcome evil is to face it with God.

God will not abandon you even if you feel abandoned. Those who hope in the Lord will not be disappointed. Hold on to this thought as your boat is rocked by the ferocious storm that is determined to wreck you.

God is here. And if you invite him, there's nothing to worry about.

To overcome evil you must have the stomach for it.

Remember that God is good even when he appears bad.

As far as praying is concerned never give up.

To be positive in order to avoid being negative is not a valid reason for being positive. Be positive where there is even a shadow of hope. In all other cases admit the truth even it sounds negative. Truth is also negative.

To be humble you must know who you are. To be brave you must admit who you are.

I am happy with Windows 8, for I had nothing before it. For three months I went without a computer. So it is a blessing for me to have any computer. That I have a beautiful Lenovo Y510 with an i7 processor and 8gb ram is just the sort of blessing that inspires a shout of "Hallelujah!" every now and then. Still I don't shout much.

We do good only when we expect nothing in return.

When you know what you really are you can only be humble.

Yet this should be the reason for our service. We should serve God because this is the right response to his lordship over us. He saved us, though we went astray. He loved us, though we hated him. He accepted us, though we rejected him. What could be a better response to God than the desire to serve him? Yet we don't serve him like this. We serve him because we expect a reward from him. We serve him because it makes us look and feel good. God does reward us, sometimes for no reason at all. At other times he rewards us for doing something good. We do good only when we expect nothing in return. For this is the way God does good.

We are serving God only to serve ourselves. We are serving God because we think it is doing right. And doing right will save us in the end. For there is a reward for doing right. So all that we are doing for God is doing for ourselves, for we know that we will ultimately benefit from all that we are doing for him.

We are all sex addicts. That is why God clothed us in the first place.

When the only thing you really have is hope, don't let it go.

Some of us just want to play with God's toys. We want nothing to do with him at all.

Humans in their natural state are consumed with lust for what God made. And they have no love for God at all.

We have consumed parts of Jesus that are palatable to us and spat out the bits that we cannot stomach.

Don't worry about tomorrow. Don't worry about what you will eat or drink or wear. Don't worry about your future. Store nothing for yourself on this earth. Sounds crazy to you? Sounds like Jesus to me.

God clothed us because we cannot deal with nakedness properly.

When nakedness becomes a way of life it is less disturbing. Yet it will disturb everyone who sees something in a human body that must be concealed. That is why even the nearly naked people in the world today take care to conceal certain parts.

When I suffer I write poetry.

When we see a naked human body we are unable to see it as we should.

Trust in God even if he is killing you.

I should not do this work so that I may be seen. I should do this work so that God may be seen. For it is he who gives me the desire to work. And it is he who supplies the tools for work as well.

Hardships were sent by God for a reason. So embrace them even if you do not know the reason.

For him or her who sees your need and does nothing, say a prayer.

In this world each person takes care of himself. In God's world each person takes care of the other.

Pray for a person who will not consider your need and extend help to you. Pray that God blesses that person and gives him or her a heart that will consider the needs of another and will be willing to give to the needy.

God, you supply my needs every day, whether I am conscious of it or not. You do miracles in my life, whether I am aware of it or not. You will not let me go, whether I believe that or not.

Let us not be consumed by fear. Let us be consumed by faith.

Don't give up hope no matter how hopeless your hope is.

It is more important to respect the living than it is to respect the dead.

Be with God. Speak to God. There is nothing better than God.

If you can do something right today do it. Don't delay it. Let nothing else occupy your mind. Devote yourself to doing right.

Apart from you Lord I can do nothing. Actually I prefer to do nothing without you.

I expect from God today. Pure and simple. I expect from no one but God.

Lord, I must show confidence in you. I confess that I am shaken by certain events in my life. Despite wonderful acts of your love in my life, there is much that distresses me. I'm worried and I should not be. For you God have promised to go with me wherever I go. My troubles are nothing compared to your overwhelming greatness and strength. Still consider the worm that I am and strengthen and protect me. Be with my family. Grant us your health. And help us overcome our many troubles. For that is your promise. Many indeed are our difficulties but you have promised to deliver us out of them all. And in this we must believe. Give us the grace to believe, and to trust in you today.

Thank you for the touch of love. That will be enough to carry me today.

Do right always. Do right especially when it hurts.

The way to know God is to love people who don't love you at all. It is to love those who hate you and curse you. It is to feel the hurt and still love. It is to be killed savagely and still love. It is to be utterly rejected and still love. It is to give everything and receive nothing. This will not emerge from reading but from learning. And learning is an act of grace involving considerable self-torture, and it happens when you live the truth of the holy book outside of it.

Let us remember this today. Our God is faithful even if we are faithless.

God, you have made every precious thing possible. Once I had nothing. Now I have everything.

It is not easy to be a parent when you know what your child will have to experience in this troublesome life on earth.

To be original, you must be in a zone of your own.

When nothing is happening, keep doing the good work.

Let us to learn from the flowers today, and live in peace.

Let me always be among the children of God for they will remind me of their glorious Father.

Let me be frustrated today to know how determined I am.

Frustration is a valuable tool to determine the worthiness of a pursuit.

If there is nothing new inside there will be nothing new outside.

God turned my death into life.

When death comes suddenly accept it and be grateful for the life that came before it.

Some turn away. Some close their eyes. Some look inward. Some will never know.

Some hearts are simply not warm enough. And it may not be possible to get them warm.

It is time to cast away hatred and little-mindedness.

Pain was given to the world for a reason, so that we may know ourselves and learn to accept the imperfections in this life. Joy lies in understanding the truth of pain.

If you are gracious, people may abuse your grace and wrong you even more. Be gracious anyway.

Let us not dwell on what seems impossible but let us dwell on what is surely possible if we would only believe. And all things are possible when we believe.

Tomorrow is not my business. Tomorrow is God's business.

God is doing a great work in my life. I sense that finally.

Every time when I'm in trouble, I say a prayer. I address my need. And God does something about it. Recently God sent me help that seemed like a bolt from the blue. God does provide. He certainly hears prayers.

I'm looking for the uncommon person who will notice what I say from the depths of my experience.

I don't aim to do a thing perfectly. I aim to do it well.

Lord, let our conversation never end.

An insecure husband should not blame his charming wife.

When people reject me I know who I am and also whose I am.

God's reality is the only reality that I wish to know. God's way is the only way that I want to follow. Let God enable me to get there.

If we only see what we want to see then we are not seeing all that we can see. That may suit us well, but will place us at a great disadvantage, when we need to decide.

There is no other way to experience the kingdom of God but to trust and obey.

Today God proved his great faithfulness once more in my life. He sent me a miraculous gift from a person I did not even think of as a giver. It happened without my asking anything. And this gift has come at a time of great need in my life.

What God started He will complete.

What I most need to get my back scratched is the willingness to scratch yours.

Trusting in God - if that isn't a hard thing, you haven't been tested.

Miracles are waiting to happen to those who will wrestle with God to get them. An all-night battle and a hip-wrenching pain may be involved, but above all a never-say-die attitude and an unshakeable belief in the benevolence of God is required.

God has His own way of doing things. And we must learn to appreciate it.

Whatever fiery trial you are going through right now, know that God is with you and that you will never be separated from His love.

Sometimes you have to do a thing over and over again to do it well. Don't be tired of repeating for this purpose. It may be necessary to strive to do something well.

We have the mind of Christ, whether we experience it or not. And we have everything that is required to live the godly life. To be sane is to know that God is good even when He appears to be anything but good.

Evil is unmade only in the place where it was made. To overcome wrong desires and unnecessary fears we must understand them. We cannot understand them without experiencing them. We must experience them to know them and to study how they wield power over our minds and hearts. We must find out why and how they lead us into unhealthy and undesirable behaviours. It is only when we get to the roots of these desires and fears, it is only when we see their origins that we recognize their basic distortions. And when we see these distortions we can fundamentally reject them and truly detach ourselves from the resultant compulsive desires and fears. We cannot rush this process.

Yesterday I wrote, "I expect a miracle from God." Today God answered with a miracle. Yes. Someone I never even considered as a helper offered to help. Praise be to God. He is wonderful.

Today we remember those who have passed away. Let them rest in Christ, and rise again as Christ rose from the dead. We thank God for the departed who have added value to our lives and shaped us in many ways. Let us honour the dead today.

Last year at this time God performed a major miracle in my life, and saved me from a great difficulty. This year I am faced with a new difficulty, which is nearly as great as that of the previous year. And I expect God to deliver me again miraculously. For God has promised to deliver His righteous one from the many difficulties in his life. And I cling to this promise today.

There can be no higher purpose than giving. Giving is best when it hurts to give. Let's give away what we are sure to miss.

Let us live to give.

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